Releases: caltechlibrary/irdmtools
Bug fixes, issue #20
Now depends on simplified v0.0.14 for fixes to solve issue #20.
Bug fixes, issue #19
Updated dependencies to latest simplified and crossrefapi packages. Improved mapping base on issue #19.
Issue #18 fix, updated to v1.0.4 crossrefapi package
This release fixes bug #18 and updates the crossrefapi package dependency to v1.0.4.
Documentation improvements
This release include man page distribution with the release zip files.
Updates to people2vocabulary
These release includes some bug fixes and code improvements but the primary use facing change is that the option -csv
defaults to true and a new option -clrules
which defaults to true will enable Caltech Library specific rules.
Improved identifier filtering in people2vocabulary
people2vocabulary will convert the feeds' people.csv and filter non RDM identifiers when rendering the YAML vocabulary. The identifiers supported now are "clpid", "orcid", "isni".
Bug fixes
Added csv import to people2vocabulary
This release will map a CSV file (e.g. to the RDM people vocabulary file format.
Bug fix people2vocabulary options, fixes
Fixed a minor bug in missing the -version and -license options in people2vocabulary. Fixed a bad merge of
Added people2vocabulary
Now requires v0.0.12 of simplified and includes a cli for converting a JSON array of Person into a people vocabulary file suitable for import into RDM.