Releases: caltechlibrary/irdmtools
bug fixes, issue #38
Implemented a different approach to handle multiple ISSN (issue #38 repoened). Improved subjects, keywords and series handling. Improved "imprint:imprint" handling.
Bug fixes, issue #37 and #38.
bug fixes, issue #33, #34.
This release fixes some regressions that from v0.0.20 and v0.0.21 release.
Bug fixes, issue #30
Changed the behavior of what is mapped as "rights.description.en" from CrossRef. I am now mapping in the "content-version" value if it is not empty, otherwise I map the description value across.
Bug fixes, issue #31
Bug fixes, issue #31, a nil pointer reference when comparing affiliations for creators.
Bug fix, issue #29
Fixed incorrect published online date handling.
Bug, issue #28
This release addresses issue #28, and removes some DEBUG statements from output.
Bug fixes, issue #13 through #27
This release fixes a few bugs found in doi2rdm but mainly fixes the mappings for eprint2rdm. Depends on updates in [email protected].