ByWaterBot is a Slack bot written in Python using Bolt for Slack
An in-depth paragraph about your project and overview of use. This bot was written specifically to fill the needs of ByWater Solutions staff. It is a replacement for the older slack-bwsbot project
This bot has a number of words and phrases it listens for
- "hello" - Bot will say hi to you!
- "bug 1234", "bz 1234" - Bot will provide a link and info to the Koha Bugzilla for that number
- "ticket 1234", "rt 1234" - Bot will provide a link to the given ticket number
- "branches 1234", "branches 1234 shortname" - Bot will tell you bug branches are on the bug for the given shortname ( defaults to "bywater" )
- "Quote Please" - Bot will give you a quote from our quotes file
- "Refresh Karma" - Bot will download the latest version of the pep talk data
- Python 3 and dependencies
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
This project uses a number of environment variables to function:
- SLACK_BOT_TOKEN - Slack bot token
- SLACK_APP_TOKEN - Slack app token
- QUOTES_CSV_URL - URL to a CSV of quotes
- KARMA_CSV_URL - URL to a CSV of karma comment possibilities
- CREDENTIALS_JSON - Download crendentials.json from Google, put contents in this variable
on the server, input given URL in lynx, copy contents of token.json into this variable - TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID - SID for the Twilio account to be used ( provided by Twilio )
- TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN - Authentication token for the Twilio account ot be used ( provided by Twilio )
- TWILIO_PHONE - Outgoing Twilio phone number ( e.g. +11234567890 )
Check out to see how to set up the Slack tokens.
- message.channels
- message.groups
- message.mpim
- channels:history
- chat:write
- groups:history
- im:history
- mpim:history
- users:read
- calendar, read-only
Contributors names and contact info
This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License - see the file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.