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SilverStripe GraphQL Server

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This modules serves SilverStripe data as GraphQL representations, with helpers to generate schemas based on SilverStripe model introspection. It layers a pluggable schema registration system on top of the graphql-php library. The APIs are very similar, for example:


Require the composer package in your composer.json

composer require silverstripe/graphql


GraphQL is used through a single route which defaults to /graphql. You need to define Types and Queries to expose your data via this endpoint.

Currently, the default endpoint (/graphql) is protected against access unless the current user has CMS Access.


Code examples can be found in the examples/ folder (built out from the configuration docs below).


Define Types

Types describe your data. While your data could be any arbitrary structure, in a SilverStripe project a GraphQL type usually relates to a DataObject. GraphQL uses this information to validate queries and allow GraphQL clients to introspect your API capabilities. The GraphQL type system is hierarchical, so the fields() definition declares object properties as scalar types within your complex type. Refer to the graphql-php type definitions for available types.


namespace MyProject\GraphQL;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\TypeCreator;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Pagination\Connection;

class MemberTypeCreator extends TypeCreator
    public function attributes()
        return [
            'name' => 'member'

    public function fields()
        return [
            'ID' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::id())],
            'Email' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'FirstName' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'Surname' => ['type' => Type::string()],

Each type class needs to be registered with a unique name against the schema through YAML configuration:

      member: 'MyProject\GraphQL\MemberTypeCreator'

Define Queries

Types can be exposed via "queries". These queries are in charge of retrieving data through the SilverStripe ORM. The response itself is handled by the underlying GraphQL PHP library, which loops through the resulting DataList and accesses fields based on the referred "type" definition.

Note: This will return ALL records. See below for a paginated example.


namespace MyProject\GraphQL;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\OperationResolver;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryCreator;

class ReadMembersQueryCreator extends QueryCreator implements OperationResolver
    public function attributes()
        return [
            'name' => 'readMembers'

    public function args()
        return [
            'Email' => ['type' => Type::string()]

    public function type()
        // Return a "thunk" to lazy load types
        return function () {
            return Type::listOf($this->manager->getType('member'));

    public function resolve($object, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info)
        $member = Member::singleton();
        if (!$member->canView($context['currentUser'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                '%s view access not permitted',
        $list = Member::get();

        // Optional filtering by properties
        if (isset($args['Email'])) {
            $list = $list->filter('Email', $args['Email']);

        return $list;

We'll register the query with a unique name through YAML configuration:

      readMembers: 'MyProject\GraphQL\ReadMembersQueryCreator'

You can query data with the following URL:


The query contained in the query parameter can be reformatted as follows:

  readMembers {

You can apply the Email filter in the above example like so:

query ($Email: String) {
  readMembers(Email: $Email) {

And add a query variable:

  "Email": "[email protected]"


The GraphQL module also provides a wrapper to return paginated and sorted records using offset based pagination.

This module currently does not support Relay (cursor based) pagination. This blog post describes the differences.

To have a Query return a page-able list of records queries should extend the PaginatedQueryCreator class and return a Connection instance.


namespace MyProject\GraphQL;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Pagination\Connection;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Pagination\PaginatedQueryCreator;

class PaginatedReadMembersQueryCreator extends PaginatedQueryCreator
    public function connection()
        return Connection::create('paginatedReadMembers')
            ->setConnectionType(function () {
                return $this->manager->getType('member');
                'Email' => [
                    'type' => Type::string()
            ->setSortableFields(['ID', 'FirstName', 'Email'])
            ->setConnectionResolver(function ($obj, $args, $context) {
                $member = Member::singleton();
                if (!$member->canView($context['currentUser'])) {
                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                        '%s view access not permitted',
                $list = Member::get();

                // Optional filtering by properties
                if (isset($args['Email'])) {
                    $list = $list->filter('Email', $args['Email']);

                return $list;

You will need to add a new unique query alias to your configuration:

      paginatedReadMembers: 'MyProject\GraphQL\PaginatedReadMembersQueryCreator'

Using a Connection the GraphQL server will return the results wrapped under the edges result type. Connection supports the following arguments:

  • limit
  • offset
  • sortBy

Additional arguments can be added by providing the setArgs function (such as Email in the previous example). Each argument must be given a specific type.

Pagination information is provided under the pageInfo type. This object type supports the following fields:

  • totalCount returns the total number of items in the list,
  • hasNextPage returns whether more records are available.
  • hasPreviousPage returns whether more records are available by decreasing the offset.

You can query paginated data with the following URL:


The query contained in the query parameter can be reformatted as follows:

query Members {
  paginatedReadMembers(limit: 1, offset: 0) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

Setting Pagination and Sorting options

To limit the ability for users to perform searching and ordering as they wish, Collection instances can define their own limits and defaults.

  • setSortableFields an array of allowed sort columns.
  • setDefaultLimit integer for the default page length (default 100)
  • setMaximumLimit integer for the maximum limit records per page to prevent excessive load trying to load millions of records (default 100)
return Connection::create('paginatedReadMembers')
    // ...
    ->setMaximumLimit(100); // previous users requesting more than 100 records

Nested Connections

Connection can be used to return related objects such as has_many and many_many models.


namespace MyProject\GraphQL;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\TypeCreator;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\Pagination\Connection;

class MemberTypeCreator extends TypeCreator
    public function attributes()
        return [
            'name' => 'member'

    public function fields()
        $groupsConnection = Connection::create('Groups')
            ->setConnectionType(function() {
                return $this->manager->getType('group');
            ->setDescription('A list of the users groups')
            ->setSortableFields(['ID', 'Title']);

        return [
            'ID' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::id())],
            'Email' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'FirstName' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'Surname' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'Groups' => [
                'type' => $groupsConnection->toType(),
                'args' => $groupsConnection->args(),
                'resolve' => function($obj, $args, $context) use ($groupsConnection) {
                    return $groupsConnection->resolveList(
query Members {
  paginatedReadMembers(limit: 10) {
    edges {
      node {
        Groups(sortBy: [{field: Title, direction: DESC}]) {
          edges {
            node {
          pageInfo {
    pageInfo {

Define Mutations

A "mutation" is a specialised GraphQL query which has side effects on your data, such as create, update or delete. Each of these operations would be expressed as its own mutation class. Returning an object from the resolve() method will automatically include it in the response.

namespace MyProject\GraphQL;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\MutationCreator;
use SilverStripe\GraphQL\OperationResolver;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;

class CreateMemberMutationCreator extends MutationCreator implements OperationResolver
    public function attributes()
        return [
            'name' => 'createMember',
            'description' => 'Creates a member without permissions or group assignments'

    public function type()
        return function() {
            return $this->manager->getType('member');

    public function args()
        return [
            'Email' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string())],
            'FirstName' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'LastName' => ['type' => Type::string()],

    public function resolve($object, array $args, $context, $info)
        if (!singleton(Member::class)->canCreate($context['currentUser'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Member creation not allowed');

        return (new Member($args))->write();

We'll register this mutation through YAML configuration:

      createMember: 'MyProject\GraphQL\CreateMemberMutationCreator'

You can run a mutation with the following query:

mutation ($Email: String!) {
  createMember(Email: $Email) {

This will create a new member with an email address, which you can pass in as query variables: {"Email": "[email protected]"}. It'll return the new ID property of the created member.

Define Interfaces


Define Input Types


Testing/Debugging Queries and Mutations

An in-browser IDE for the GraphQL server is available via the silverstripe-graphql-devtools module.

As an alternative, a desktop version of this application is also available. (OSX only)


Some SilverStripe resources have permission requirements to perform CRUD operations on, for example the Member object in the previous examples.

If you are logged into the CMS and performing a request from the same session then the same Member session is used to authenticate GraphQL requests, however if you are performing requests from an anonymous/external application you may need to authenticate before you can complete a request.

Please note that when implementing GraphQL resources it is the developer's responsibility to ensure that permission checks are implemented wherever resources are accessed.

Basic Authentication

Silverstripe has built in support for HTTP basic authentication. It can be configured for GraphQL implementation with YAML configuration (see below). This is kept separate from the SilverStripe CMS authenticator because GraphQL needs to use the successfully authenticated member for CMS permission filtering, whereas the global BasicAuth does not log the member in or use it for model security.

YAML configuration

You will need to define the class under SilverStripe\GraphQL.authenticators. You can optionally provide a priority number if you want to control which Authenticator is used when multiple are defined (higher priority returns first).

Here's an example for implementing HTTP basic authentication:

    - class: SilverStripe\GraphQL\Auth\BasicAuthAuthenticator
      priority: 10

In GraphiQL

If you want to add basic authentication support to your GraphQL requests you can do so by adding a custom Authorization HTTP header to your GraphiQL requests.

If you are using the GraphiQL macOS app this can be done from "Edit HTTP Headers". The /dev/graphiql implementation does not support custom HTTP headers at this point.

Your custom header should follow the following format:

# Key: Value
Authorization: Basic aGVsbG86d29ybGQ=

Basic is followed by a base64 encoded combination of your username, colon and password. The above example is hello:world.

Note: Authentication credentials are transferred in plain text when using HTTP basic authenticaiton. We strongly recommend using TLS for non-development use.


php -r 'echo base64_encode("hello:world");'
# aGVsbG86d29ybGQ=


  • Permission checks
  • Input/constraint validation on mutations (with third-party validator)
  • CSRF protection (or token-based auth)
  • Generate CRUD operations based on DataObject reflection
  • Generate DataObject relationship CRUD operations
  • Create Enum GraphQL types from DBEnum
  • Date casting
  • Schema serialisation/caching (performance)


Serves SilverStripe data as GraphQL representations







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