ArProfile: your identity on the permaweb.
Permanent, decentralized, owned by you.
As our wallets are our identity on the web 3, It becomes necessary to be able to recognize each other with human friendly features such as an avatar, a nickname and a unique handle.
You can log in with either, ArConnect, or Bundlr with $MATIC. Once connected, the app look for the latest transaction from your wallet with the tag Protocol-Name: Account-<version>
and displays your profile according to what has been stored in there.
Then, you can click on "Edit Profile" to update it click on "save" to store it on arweave.
ArProfile comes with a handy npm package arweave-account
which makes easy for other applications to get the user profile from their wallet address or search for an user handle name.
- polish it up and fix the details: having an Alert pop-up to tell the user to wait for miners to confirm their tx is ugly
- Extend
for specific permadapps to add custom entries along with the common profile data.
$ npm i
$ npm start