A simple website for people trying to navigate the process of having records sealed in DC
As a returning citizen I want to easily and quickly find out if my records are eligible for sealing.
As a returning citizen, I want step by step information on how to obtain my criminal records in DC.
As a returning citizen I want to understand my rights in the records sealing process.
As a returning citizen I want help connecting to legal services for help sealing my record.
As a returning citizen I want help connecting to other services for returning citizens such as job placement and training.
As a returning ciizen I want to advocate for progress on issues facing people like me.
As a legal services provider, I want to have access to forms to assist my client in filing a motion for sealing.
As an attorney, I want to look up whether an offense is eligible for sealing in DC.
As an attorney, I want to be able to help a returning citizen breakdown the timeline for sealing eligibility using a chart