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Laravel package for integrating with Safaricom's M-Pesa payment gateway. Supports STK Push, B2C, B2B, balance queries, transaction status checks, and payment reversals.


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Laravel M-Pesa Integration Package

Laravel package for integrating with Safaricom"s M-Pesa payment gateway. Supports STK Push, B2C, B2B, balance queries, transaction status checks, and payment reversals.

For the most current API documentation and updates, always refer to the Safaricom Developer Portal.


  • PHP 8.2+
Laravel Version
Laravel 10.x
Laravel 11.x


Install the package via Composer:

composer require botnetdobbs/laravel-mpesa-sdk

Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mpesa-config


Add the following variables to your .env file:

MPESA_ENV=sandbox  # or "live" for production

More can be added as per the config file below.

Configuration Options

The published config file (config/mpesa.php) contains the following options:

For the cerfiticate, Download under M-Pesa API Certificates.

return [
    "consumer_key" => env("MPESA_CONSUMER_KEY"),
    "consumer_secret" => env("MPESA_CONSUMER_SECRET"),
    "lipa_na_mpesa_passkey" => env(
    "certificate_path" => env("MPESA_CERTIFICATE_PATH"),
    "environment" => env("MPESA_ENV", "sandbox"),
    "initiator" => [
        'name' => env("MPESA_INITIATOR_NAME"),
        'password' => env("MPESA_INITIATOR_PASSWORD"),
    "callbacks" => [
        "base_url" => env("MPESA_CALLBACK_BASE_URL", ""),
        "paths" => [
            "stk" => [
                "result" => "/api/mpesa/callback/stk",
            "b2c" => [
                "result" => "/api/mpesa/callback/b2c",
                "timeout" => "/api/mpesa/callback/b2c/timeout",
            // Add more callback paths here
    "business" => [
        "short_codes" => [
            "default" => env("MPESA_SHORT_CODE"),
            "till" => env("MPESA_TILL_NUMBER"),
            "paybill" => env("MPESA_PAYBILL_NUMBER"),

    "defaults" => [
        "timeout" => 30,
        "connect_timeout" => 10,


use Botnetdobbs\Mpesa\Contracts\Client;

class PaymentController extends Controller
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Client $mpesaClient
    ) {}

    public function initiatePayment()
        $response = $this->mpesaClient->stkPush([...]);

STK Push (Lipa Na M-Pesa Online)

$response = $this->mpesaClient->stkPush([
    "BusinessShortCode" => "174379",    // Organization's shortcode  (Paybill or Buygoods - A 5 to 6-digit account number) used to identify an organization and receive the transaction.
    "TransactionType" => "CustomerPayBillOnline",    // or CustomerBuyGoodsOnline
    "Amount" => 1,
    "PhoneNumber" => "254722000000", // The Mobile Number to receive the STK Pin Prompt.
    "CallBackURL" => config('mpesa.callbacks.base_url', "") . config('mpesa.callbacks.paths.stk_push.result', "/callback"),    // Valid secure URL that is used to receive notifications from M-Pesa API.
    "AccountReference" => "Test",
    "TransactionDesc" => "Test Payment"

STK Push (check the status of a Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment.)

$response = $this->mpesaClient->stkQuery([
    "BusinessShortCode" => "174379",
    "CheckoutRequestID" => "ws_CO_260520211133524545"

B2C Payment (Business to Customer)

$response = $this->mpesaClient->b2c([
    "OriginatorConversationID" => "unique-id",
    "InitiatorName" => "testapi",
    "CommandID" => "BusinessPayment",  // Or "SalaryPayment", "PromotionPayment"
    "Amount" => 100,
    "PartyA" => "600000",      // Your business shortcode
    "PartyB" => "254722000000", // Customer phone number
    "Remarks" => "Test payment",
    "QueueTimeOutURL" => "",   // The URL to be specified in your request that will be used by API Proxy to send notification incase the payment request is timed out while awaiting processing in the queue.
    "ResultURL" => "",    // The URL to be specified in your request that will be used by M-PESA to send notification upon processing of the payment request.
    "Occasion" => "Test"

B2B Payment (Business to Business)

B2B parameter naming convention is camelCase instead of PascalCase like the other endpoints on the Safaricom Developer Portal. Retained as is

$response = $this->mpesaClient->b2b([
    "primaryShortCode" => "000001",    // Sender business shortcode
    "receiverShortCode" => "000002",   // Receiver business shortcode
    "amount" => 100,
    "paymentRef" => "INV001",          // Your reference
    "callbackUrl" => "",
    "partnerName" => "Vendor Name",
    "RequestRefID" => "unique-id-123"   // Unique identifier for the request

C2B Register (Customer to Business)

$response = $this->mpesaClient->c2bRegister([
    "ShortCode" => "600000",
    "ResponseType" => "Completed",      // Or "Cancelled"
    "ConfirmationURL" => "",    // The URL that receives the confirmation request from API upon payment completion.
    "ValidationURL" => "",    // The URL that receives the validation request from the API upon payment submission. The validation URL is only called if the external validation on the registered shortcode is enabled. (By default External Validation is disabled).

C2B Simulate Payment (Sandbox Environment Only)

$response = $this->mpesaClient->c2bSimulate([
    "ShortCode" => "600000",
    "CommandID" => "CustomerPayBillOnline",  // Or "CustomerBuyGoodsOnline"
    "Amount" => 100,
    "Msisdn" => "254722000000",             // Customer phone number
    "BillRefNumber" => "INV001"             // Optional reference

Account Balance Query

$response = $this->mpesaClient->accountBalance([
    "Initiator" => "testapi",   // The credential/username used to authenticate the transaction request
    "CommandID" => "AccountBalance",
    "PartyA" => "600000",              // Your business shortcode
    "IdentifierType" => "4",           // 4 for organization shortcode
    "Remarks" => "Balance query",
    "QueueTimeOutURL" => "", // The end-point that receives a timeout message.
    "ResultURL" => "",    // It indicates the destination URL which Daraja should send the result message to.

Transaction Status Query

$response = $this->mpesaClient->transactionStatus([
    "Initiator" => "testapi",
    "CommandID" => "TransactionStatusQuery",
    "TransactionID" => "OEI2AK4Q16",    // The M-Pesa transaction ID
    "PartyA" => "600000",               // Your business shortcode
    "IdentifierType" => "4",            // 4 for organization shortcode
    "ResultURL" => "",
    "QueueTimeOutURL" => "",
    "Remarks" => "Status check",
    "Occasion" => "Transaction query",  // Optional parameter

Transaction Reversal

$response = $this->mpesaClient->reversal([
    "Initiator" => "testapi",
    "CommandID" => "TransactionReversal",
    "TransactionID" => "OEI2AK4Q16",     // The M-Pesa transaction ID to reverse
    "Amount" => 100,                      // Amount to reverse
    "ReceiverParty" => "600000",         // Organization receiving the reversal
    "RecieverIdentifierType" => "4",      // 4 for organization shortcode
    "ResultURL" => "",
    "QueueTimeOutURL" => "",
    "Remarks" => "Reversal request",
    "Occasion" => "Transaction reversal"

Response Handling

All methods return a standard Response with the following methods:

// Get the raw response data
$data = $response->getData(): object

// Check if the request was successful
$isSuccessful = $response->isSuccessful(): bool

// Get specific response fields
$code = $response->getResponseCode(): int
$description = $response->getResponseDescription(): string

$resultCode = $response->getResultCode(): int // STK Query
$resultDescription = $response->getResultDescription(): string // STK Query

Example Usage

$response = $this->mpesaClient->stkPush([...]);
$data = $response->getData();

// Access properties using object syntax
$merchantRequestId = $data->MerchantRequestID;
$checkoutRequestId = $data->CheckoutRequestID;

Error Handling

The package throws MpesaException for various error scenarios:

use Botnetdobbs\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaException;
try {
    $response = $this->mpesaClient->stkPush([...]);
    if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
        $data = $response->getData();
} catch (MpesaException $e) {
    // Handle the error
    logger()->error("M-Pesa error: " . $e->getMessage());

Callback Handling

The package provides callback handling system for processing M-Pesa payment notifications.

Setup Callback Routes

Register the callback routes in your routes/api.php:

use App\Http\Controllers\MpesaCallbackController;

Route::prefix('mpesa/callback')->group(function () {
    Route::post('stkpush', [MpesaCallbackController::class, 'handleStkCallback']);

Create Callback Controller

Create a controller to handle M-Pesa callbacks:

You can use the provided CallbackProcessor which wraps the callback data in a TransactionResult object as shown below, or you can handle the raw data directly.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Botnetdobbs\Mpesa\Contracts\CallbackProcessor;
use Botnetdobbs\Mpesa\Contracts\CallbackResponder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class MpesaCallbackController extends Controller
    public function __construct(
        private readonly CallbackProcessor $processor,
        private readonly CallbackResponder $responder
    ) {}

    public function handleStkCallback(Request $request): Response
        try {
            $result = $this->processor->handleStkCallback($request);

            if ($result->isSuccessful()) {
                $data = $result->getData();

                if (isset($data->Body->stkCallback)) {
                    Log::info('STK Push payment successful', [
                        'merchantRequestId' => $data->Body->stkCallback->MerchantRequestID,
                        'checkoutRequestId' => $data->Body->stkCallback->CheckoutRequestID,
                // Update your database, trigger events, etc.
                return $this->responder->success('Payment processed');
            Log::warning('STK Push payment failed', [
                'code' => $result->getResultCode(),
                'description' => $callback->getResultDescription()

            return $this->responder->success('Failed payment');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Log::error('Error processing STK callback', [
                'error' => $e->getMessage()
            return $this->responder->failed('Internal server error');

    // Implement other callback handlers similarly...

Available Callback Methods

Each callback type provides specific methods to access the payment data:

Common Methods Available in All Callbacks

$result->getData(): object // Get the raw callback data.
$result->isSuccessful(): bool
$result->getResultCode(): int
$result->getResultDescription(): string

The CallbackResponder provides two methods:

  • success(string $message = 'Payment processed'): Responsable - Returns a success response with ResultCode 0
  • failed(string $message = 'Internal server error', int $statusCode = 500): Responsable - Returns a failure response with ResultCode 1

Response Format: All responses are returned as JSON with the appropriate Content-Type header.

Success Response:

    "ResultCode": 0,
    "ResultDesc": "Payment processed"

Failed Response:

    "ResultCode": 1,
    "ResultDesc": "Internal server error"

For Contributors

This package includes comprehensive testing capabilities:

Running Tests

Run all tests

composer test

Coverage Reports

Generate HTML coverage report:

composer test:coverage

Then open coverage/index.html in your browser.

Code Quality

# Check code style
composer check-style

# Fix code style issues
composer fix-style

# Run static analysis
composer analyse



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Laravel package for integrating with Safaricom's M-Pesa payment gateway. Supports STK Push, B2C, B2B, balance queries, transaction status checks, and payment reversals.







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