simply invite the bot to your server using this link Invitation link
Feel free to clone this repo and play with it as you want! first you need to create a virtual environment then run
pip install -r requirments.txt
then, you just need to rename .env.sample
file to .env
and get your own app_token from the Discord Dev website.
also to use the get joke api, get your own RapidApi key
This bot has a few commands at the moment:
- $wiki {keyword} : search wikipedia with keyword and return an embed with the search result
- $get joke : gets a joke that has more up votes that downvotes. It gets the jokes from 'joke3' api
- $get dad joke : gets a dad joke from 'icanhazdadjoke' api
- $get quote : gets quote from 'quotable' api
There's also a feature to automatically mention ofline members, when you mention any of the user's nicknames in a message, you can do this by calling mention_user
function on on_message
Also there's a sentiment analysis fearutre, that analyze a sentiment and returns the sentiment of it
add a dictionary for all guild members, and initalize every member entry with the name, so it can be used to auto mention any member in the guild if their name was contained in a message
utilize the sentiment analysis feature