Zoom an image to full-screen, as seen on Medium.com. It uses transforms for buttery smoothness, but should still work on older browsers given polyfills for classList & bind. Demo here.
Using React? Try react-thumbnail-zoom instead.
Install using Duo or NPM for use with browserify.
$ npm install image-zoom
var Zoom = require('bmcmahen/image-zoom');
or use the standalone build in dist
using the global Imagezoom
You can use markup (much like Bootstrap) for initiating zoom on certain elements.
<img class='thumb' src='inst6.jpg' data-zoom-padding='20' data-zoom-url='inst6.jpg' data-zoom-overlay='true'>
<script src='imagezoom.js'></script>
Or you can use the javascript API, like in the example below.
<img class='thumb' src='inst6.jpg'>
var ImageZoom = require('image-zoom');
var img = document.querySelector('img');
var zoom = new Imagezoom(img).overlay().padding(350);
img.onclick = function(e){
// stop propagation if we want to retain our HTML api
// in other parts of the site.
// unbind our delegate listener if we aren't
// using the HTML api.
Zoom in.
Zoom out.
Enable the overlay when zooming into the image.
Set the padding of the zoomed image.
Use a plugin.
var zoom = require('image-zoom');
var z = zoom(document.querySelector('img'));
z.on('shown', function(){
// our element is zoomed in