NOTE: You can send commands using private messages to Philharmony, to keep outputs private (example: if using /boot or /cfg commands)
/admin (add/remove) (user)
Makes (user) able to have advanced controls of Philharmony - do not without consulting other admins!
Displays all commands you can use
Philharmony adds current song to their playlist
/boot (user)
Remove (user) from room
Turns off Philharmony. Don't do this unless necessary, as I will need to restart my server shell script to turn Phil back on!
/escort (user)
Remove (user) from stage
Remove yourself from stage when your queued track has finished playing
/fan (user) / !unfan (user)
Tell Philharmony to become a fan of (user) or unfan.
/pl (add, list, rm, rmsong, switch)
Playlist tools - only use in extreme cases as Philharmony has only ONE playlist ~ we don't want to delete their entire playlist!
Send a little message of appreciation to the DJ currently playing
Queueing toggle - Philharmony turns on the queue when the stage is full ~ allows users to fill spots when they become empty
Reactions: more about this below
Adds rooms to Philharmony's library ~ not used as they live in Hosono Lounge forever!
best used in private message: tell Philharmony to say something in the room
skips current track
Displays all current Reaction tags
/r (tag)
Displays a gif under the chosen (tag)
/r add (tag) (gif url)
Either: creates a new tag if it doesn't exist, and adds the gif according to the url Or: adds the gif to an exsisting tag