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jamieabc edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Bitmarkd Peer
    1. Initialization
      1. RPC Response Listener
      2. RPC Request Connector
      3. Start to process incoming/outgoing messages
    2. Format of message
    3. Process Listener message
      1. Server information ("I")
      2. Get block number ("N")
      3. Get packed block ("B")
      4. Get block hash ("H")
      5. Register to another node ("R")
      6. Default action
    4. Connector Peer Processing
      1. Conneting
      2. Hightest block
      3. Fork detected
      4. Fetch block
      5. Rebuild
      6. Sampling

Bitmarkd Peer

Following paragraphs are described based on v8.2 commit b013d5e.


Flow starts at bitmarkd/main.go#278: peer.Initialise.

peer package contains peerData with read/write lock (sync.RWMutex), rpc listeners (lstn), rpc clients (conn), etc.

    type peerData struct {
        sync.RWMutex // to allow locking

        log *logger.L // logger

        lstn listener  // for RPC responses
        conn connector // for RPC requests

        connectorClients []*upstream.Upstream

        publicKey []byte

        clientCount int
        blockHeight uint64

        // for background
        background *background.T

        // set once during initialise
        initialised bool

    type listener struct {
        log         *logger.L
        chain       string
        version     string      // server version
        push        *zmq.Socket // signal send
        pull        *zmq.Socket // signal receive
        socket4     *zmq.Socket // IPv4 traffic
        socket6     *zmq.Socket // IPv6 traffic
        monitor4    *zmq.Socket // IPv4 socket monitor
        monitor6    *zmq.Socket // IPv6 socket monitor
        connections uint64      // total incoming connections

In peer/setup.go: Initialise, it reads private/public key file, registers to announce which will broadcast events (setAnnounce), initialize objects to process request/response.

RPC Response Listener

listener is an object includes logger, ipv4/ipv6 sockets, receiver/sender, ipv4/ipv6 monitors. Detail data can be found as below:

    type listener struct {
        log         *logger.L
        chain       string
        version     string      // server version
        push        *zmq.Socket // signal send
        pull        *zmq.Socket // signal receive
        socket4     *zmq.Socket // IPv4 traffic
        socket6     *zmq.Socket // IPv6 traffic
        monitor4    *zmq.Socket // IPv4 socket monitor
        monitor6    *zmq.Socket // IPv6 socket monitor
        connections uint64      // total incoming connections

listener is initialized at peer/setup.go#109: globalData.lstn.initialise.

Initialization process as below:

  1. creates logger

  2. creates sender (push) and receiver (pull) for each socket

    At peer/listener.go#71: zmqutil.NewSignalPair(listenerSignal).

    Be aware that listenerSignal = "inproc://bitmark-listener-signal" is defined by zeroMQ, inproc can be referenced here, it denotes local in-process (inter-thread) communication transport.

  3. allocates ipv4/ipv6 sockets

    At peer/listener.go#77: zmqutil.NewBind

  4. sets monitors of ipv4/ipv6 each

    At peer/listener.go#84: zmqutil.NewMonitor.

RPC Request Connector

connector is an object includes logger, client lists, connection state, other node's largest block height, etc.

connector state is an integer value to represents finite state machine state.

    type connector struct {
        log *logger.L

        preferIPv6 bool

        staticClients []*upstream.Upstream

        dynamicClients list.List

        state connectorState

        theClient        *upstream.Upstream // client used for fetching blocks
        startBlockNumber uint64             // block number where local chain forks
        height           uint64             // block number on best node
        samples          int                // counter to detect missed block broadcast

    type Upstream struct {
        log         *logger.L
        client      *zmqutil.Client
        registered  bool
        blockHeight uint64
        shutdown    chan<- struct{}

It is initialized at peer/connector.go#65: initialise.

Initialization process as below:

  1. create logger

  2. parse ip address and port

    At peer/connector.go#87: util.NewConnection

  3. create upstream client

    Inside peer/connector.go#107: upstream.New creates another go routine for function upstreamRunner which will wait for incoming messages.

  4. connect to server

    At peer/connector.go#117: client.Connect

Start to process incoming/outgoing messages

It is started by go routine at peer/setup.go#128: background.Start. With in this function, it invokes each object's method of Run.

    go func(p Process, shutdown <-chan struct{}, finished chan<- struct{}) {
                // pass the shutdown to the Run loop for shutdown signalling
                p.Run(args, shutdown)
                // flag for the stop routine to wait for shutdown
            }(p, shutdown, finished)
  1. Listener

    listener Run method is defined at peer/listner.go#101: Run, for different incoming message/event invokes different function:

        for {
            sockets, _ := poller.Poll(-1)
            for _, socket := range sockets {
                switch s := socket.Socket; s {
                case lstn.socket4:
                case lstn.socket6:
                case lstn.pull:
                    break loop
                case lstn.monitor4:
                case lstn.monitor6:
  1. Connector

    connector Run method is defined at peer/connector.go#182: Run, for different outgoing message invokes different function:

        for {
            // wait for shutdown

            select {
            case <-shutdown:
                break loop
            case item := <-queue:
                c, _ := util.PackedConnection(item.Parameters[1]).Unpack()
                conn.log.Debugf("received control: %s  public key: %x  connect: %x %q", item.Command, item.Parameters[0], item.Parameters[1], c)
                //connectToUpstream(conn.log, conn.clients, conn.dynamicStart, item.Command, item.Parameters[0], item.Parameters[1])
                conn.connectUpstream(item.Command, item.Parameters[0], item.Parameters[1])

            case <-time.After(cycleInterval):

Format of message

Typicall command will be as follow, parameters are append at last of message with each 8 bytes long

Command Chain Mode Parameters
1 byte 8 bytes 8 bytes each

e.g. When register to another node, the command will be sent as follows:

0x52 => "R"
0x74657374696e67 => "testing"
9f5f6122d09c18bef1c9b96e773cf0b784198b70e4c3becbe4951d642ee4484c => parameters depend by each command

Process Listener message

It is defined at peer/listener.go#157: process. When receiving every peer message, checks data validation. After decode message sent by zeroMQ, an array of strings will be returned.

First string in array will be chain type.

    theChain := string(data[0])

Second string in array will be operation action, third string in arary will be parameters (if exists).

    fn := string(data[1])
    parameters := data[2:]

Server information ("I")

Returns server information with following format.

        Version: lstn.version,
        Chain:   mode.ChainName(),
        Normal:  mode.Is(mode.Normal),
        Height:  block.GetHeight(),
    result, err = json.Marshal(info)

result is converted into json format.

Get block number ("N")

Returns block height.

    blockNumber := block.GetHeight()
    result = make([]byte, 8)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(result, blockNumber)

result is format into big-endian 64 bits.

Get packed block ("B")

Returns block number specified by parameter. Return error if first parameter length is not 8 bytes (64 bits).

    if 1 != len(parameters) {
        err = fault.ErrMissingParameters
    } else if 8 == len(parameters[0]) {
        result = storage.Pool.Blocks.Get(parameters[0])
        if nil == result {
            err = fault.ErrBlockNotFound
    } else {
        err = fault.ErrBlockNotFound

Get block hash ("H")

Return block hash specified by parameters. Return error if first parameter length is not 8 bytes (64 bits).

    if 1 != len(parameters) {
        err = fault.ErrMissingParameters
    } else if 8 == len(parameters[0]) {
        number := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(parameters[0])
        d, e := block.DigestForBlock(number)
        if nil == e {
            result = d[:]
        } else {
            err = e
    } else {
        err = fault.ErrBlockNotFound

Register to another node ("R")

In order to register as new peer, some information are necessary to provide including chain type, public key, listener ip/port, timestamp. Before continuing the flow , all data will be checked if it's valid or not.

    var binTs [8]byte
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(binTs[:], uint64(ts.Unix()))

    _, err = socket.Send(fn, zmq.SNDMORE)
    logger.PanicIfError("Listener", err)
    _, err = socket.Send(chain, zmq.SNDMORE)
    logger.PanicIfError("Listener", err)
    _, err = socket.SendBytes(publicKey, zmq.SNDMORE)
    logger.PanicIfError("Listener", err)
    _, err = socket.SendBytes(listeners, zmq.SNDMORE)
    logger.PanicIfError("Listener", err)
    _, err = socket.SendBytes(binTs[:], 0)
    logger.PanicIfError("Listener", err)

Default action

Default operation is to process received data. The function is defined at peer/process.go#23: processSubscription.

Different data type will be passed, zero or more parameters may be transfered.

    func processSubscription(log *logger.L, command string, arguments [][]byte) {

        dataLength := len(arguments)
        switch string(command) { ... }

Exact command listed as follows:

  1. Block ("block")

    Send block information in parameter.

        if dataLength < 1 {
            log.Warnf("block with too few data: %d items", dataLength)
        log.Infof("received block: %x", arguments[0])
        if !mode.Is(mode.Normal) {
            err := fault.ErrNotAvailableDuringSynchronise
            log.Warnf("failed assets: error: %s", err)
        } else {
            messagebus.Bus.Blockstore.Send("remote", arguments[0])
  1. Asset ("assets")

    Unpack message and cache it if message is an asset record. Detail asset information is unpacked by peer/process.go#129: processAssets.

        transaction, n, err := transactionrecord.Packed(packed).Unpack(mode.IsTesting())
        switch tx := transaction.(type) {
        case *transactionrecord.AssetData:
            _, packedAsset, err := asset.Cache(tx)
            if nil != err {
                return err
            if nil != packedAsset {
                ok = true
Incoming asset record is cached at `asset/asset.go#81: Cache`. The reason asset is
cached because asset record should always comes with an issue, so asset
cannot come alone.

Asset record will be checked if already existed in cache pool.
        switch tx := transaction.(type) {
        case *transactionrecord.AssetData:
            if tx.Name == asset.Name &&
                tx.Fingerprint == asset.Fingerprint &&
                tx.Metadata == asset.Metadata &&
                tx.Registrant.String() == asset.Registrant.String() {

                r.state = pendingState // extend timeout
                packedAsset = nil      // already seen
            } else {
                dataWouldChange = true
After that, asset record will be put into a queue.
        globalData.expiry.queue <- assetId
`asset` object is initialized at `asset/asset.go#53: Initialise`,
which will invoke a background job to process the queue just put:
        globalData.background = background.Start(processes, globalData.log)
The background job will call `Run` located at `asset/expiry.go#22:
     Run`. It setup default timeout to 72 hours at
`constants/constants.go`. An asset record is cached for 72 hours
for user to pay fee for miner.
  1. Issue ("issues")

    Incoming issue command is processed by peer/process.go#169: processIssues. After some data checkings, extract all issues inside parameter.

        issues := make([]*transactionrecord.BitmarkIssue, 0, 100)
        for 0 != len(packedIssues) {
            transaction, n, err := packedIssues.Unpack(mode.IsTesting())
            if nil != err {
                return err

            switch tx := transaction.(type) {
            case *transactionrecord.BitmarkIssue:
                issues = append(issues, tx)
                issueCount += 1
                return fault.ErrTransactionIsNotAnIssue
            packedIssues = packedIssues[n:]
Actual issue processing logic is at `reservoir/issues.go#48: StoreIssues`.

1.  Verify issue

    Make sure issues waiting for process has not exceed limits of
    `maximumIssues` (100).

    For all issues, check if asset record already exist because issue
    must go with asset record.
            packedIssue, err := issue.Pack(issue.Owner)
            if nil != err {
                return nil, false, err

            if !asset.Exists(issue.AssetId) {
                return nil, false, fault.ErrAssetNotFound
    `asset.Exists` check asset info from both confirmed/cached list.

    After checking, create `txId`.
            txId := packedIssue.MakeLink()
    From database table, issue record is placed inside `transaction`
    table, that's why naming of cache pool is `UnverifiedTxIndex`.

    If an issue is alread existed in the `UnverfiedTxIndex` pool, mark
    it as duplicate and do other checking.
            if _, ok := cache.Pool.UnverifiedTxIndex.Get(txId.String()); ok {
                // if duplicate, activate pay id check
                duplicate = true
    If an issue is already verifed, return error because it shouldn't happen.
            if _, ok := cache.Pool.VerifiedTx.Get(txId.String()); ok {
                return nil, false, fault.ErrTransactionAlreadyExists
    If an issue is already confirmed, return error because it
    shouldn't happen.
            if storage.Pool.Transactions.Has(txId[:]) {
                return nil, false, fault.ErrTransactionAlreadyExists
2.  Compute payment info

    Generate payid, nonce, etc. Payment id is generated at
    `pay/payid.go#20: NewPayId`. Nonce is generated at
    `reservoir/paynonce.go#23: NewPayNonce`. Difficulty is generated
    at `reservoir/difficulty.go#35: ScaledDifficulty`.
            payId := pay.NewPayId(separated)
            nonce := NewPayNonce()
            difficulty := ScaledDifficulty(count)

            result := &IssueInfo{
                Id:         payId,
                Nonce:      nonce,
                Difficulty: difficulty,
                TxIds:      txIds,
                Packed:     bytes.Join(separated, []byte{}),
                Payments:   nil,
    If payment id is already generated, do nothing.
            if _, ok := cache.Pool.UnverifiedTxEntries.Get(payId.String()); ok {
                globalData.log.Debugf("duplicate pay id: %s", payId)
                return result, true, nil
3.  Check for duplicated issue

    If a duplicate issue is detected but cannot found any duplicated
    payment info, return error.
            if duplicate {
                globalData.log.Debugf("overlapping pay id: %s", payId)
                return nil, false, fault.ErrTransactionAlreadyExists
4.  Determine payment & block number for the issue

    If an issue record passed all previous checking, then it's time
    to find the block where asset record being placed. `GetNB` stands for
    get block number (NB).
            assetBlockNumber := uint64(0)
            for _, issue := range issues {
                bn, t := storage.Pool.Assets.GetNB(issue.AssetId[:])
                if nil == t || 0 == bn {
                    assetBlockNumber = 0     // cannot determine a single payment block
                    break scan_for_one_asset // because of unconfirmed asset
                } else if 0 == assetBlockNumber {
                    assetBlockNumber = bn // block number of asset
                } else if assetBlockNumber != bn {
                    assetBlockNumber = 0     // cannot determin a single payment block
                    break scan_for_one_asset // because of multiple assets
        Get payment record from block.
            if assetBlockNumber > genesis.BlockNumber { // avoid genesis block

                blockNumberKey := make([]byte, 8)
                binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(blockNumberKey, assetBlockNumber)

                p := getPayment(blockNumberKey)
                if nil == p { // would be an internal database error
                    globalData.log.Errorf("missing payment for asset id: %s", issues[0].AssetId)
                    return nil, false, fault.ErrAssetNotFound

                result.Payments = make([]transactionrecord.PaymentAlternative, 0, len(p))
                // multiply fees for each currency
                for _, r := range p {
                    total := r.Amount * uint64(len(txIds))
                    pa := transactionrecord.PaymentAlternative{
                            Currency: r.Currency,
                            Address:  r.Address,
                            Amount:   total,
                    result.Payments = append(result.Payments, pa)
5.  Store issue into pool

    Generate issue data.
            entry := &unverifiedItem{
                itemData: &itemData{
                    txIds:        txIds,
                    links:        nil,
                    assetIds:     uniqueAssetIds,
                    transactions: separated,
                    nonce:        nil,
                //nonce:      nonce, // ***** FIX THIS: this value seems not used
                difficulty: difficulty,
                payments:   result.Payments,
        If payment for an issue is already recieved, store payment and
    remove data from `OrphanPayment`.
            if val, ok := cache.Pool.OrphanPayment.Get(payId.String()); ok {
                detail := val.(*PaymentDetail)

                if acceptablePayment(detail, result.Payments) {

                    for i, txId := range txIds {
                                itemData:    entry.itemData,
                                transaction: separated[i],
                                index:       i,
                    return result, false, nil
    If no payment found, put issues into cache pool.
            for _, txId := range txIds {
                cache.Pool.UnverifiedTxIndex.Put(txId.String(), payId)
            cache.Pool.UnverifiedTxEntries.Put(payId.String(), entry)
  1. Transfer ("transfer")

    Incoming transfer command is processed by peer/process.go#215: processTransfer. After some data checkings, store transfer record into pool by method reservoir/transfer.go#27: StoreTransfer.

    1. Verify transfer record

      At resovoir/transfer.go#127: verifyTransfer.

      Check if any previous transaction exists.

            __, previousPacked := storage.Pool.Transactions.GetNB(newTransfer.GetLink().Bytes())
            if nil == previousPacked {
                return nil, false, fault.ErrLinkToInvalidOrUnconfirmedTransaction

            previousTransaction, _, err := transactionrecord.Packed(previousPacked).Unpack(mode.IsTesting())
            if nil != err {
                return nil, false, err
    A new transfer record can happen on if previous transfer is in
    following types: issue, transfer, counter-signed transfer, old
    base data, block foundataion, block owner transfer

2.  Generate transfer info

    A transfer info includes payment info, which is generated by
    previous transfer record.
            packedTransfer := verifyResult.packedTransfer
            payId := pay.NewPayId([][]byte{packedTransfer})

            txId := verifyResult.txId
            link := transfer.GetLink()
            if txId == link {
                // reject any transaction that links to itself
                // this should never occur, but protect against this situation
                return nil, false, fault.ErrTransactionLinksToSelf

            previousTransfer := verifyResult.previousTransfer
            ownerData := verifyResult.ownerData

            payments := getPayments(ownerData, previousTransfer)

            result := &TransferInfo{
                Id:       payId,
                TxId:     txId,
                Packed:   packedTransfer,
                Payments: payments,
3.  Already existed payment

    If a payment id is already existed in the cache pool, just
    return that payment info.
            if val, ok := cache.Pool.UnverifiedTxEntries.Get(payId.String()); ok {
                entry := val.(*unverifiedItem)
                if nil != entry.payments {
                    result.Payments = entry.payments
                } else {
                    // this would mean that reservoir data is corrupt
                    logger.Panicf("StoreTransfer: failed to get current payment data for: %s  payid: %s", txId, payId)
                return result, true, nil
        If duplicated transfer already exist but not found unverified
    record, return error.

    Remove payment record from `OrphanPayment` is already recieved.

4.  Wait for payment info

    For a payment that has not verifyed, put record into cache pool.
            cache.Pool.PendingTransfer.Put(link.String(), txId)
            cache.Pool.UnverifiedTxIndex.Put(txId.String(), payId)
                    itemData: transferredItem,
                    payments: payments,
  1. Proof ("proof")

    Incoming proof command is processed by peer/process.go#247: processProof. After some data checkings, if the record is a velid proof block, return nil, otherwise return error.

        var payId pay.PayId
        nonceLength := len(packed) - len(payId) // could be negative
        if nonceLength < payment.MinimumNonceLength || nonceLength > payment.MaximumNonceLength {
            return fault.ErrInvalidNonce
        copy(payId[:], packed[:len(payId)])
        nonce := packed[len(payId):]
        status := reservoir.TryProof(payId, nonce)
        if reservoir.TrackingAccepted != status {
            // pay id already processed or was invalid
            return fault.ErrPayIdAlreadyUsed
        return nil
  1. RPC ("rpc")

    Incoming rpc command adds server to rpc list.

        if announce.AddRPC(arguments[0], arguments[1], timestamp) {
            messagebus.Bus.Broadcast.Send("rpc", arguments[0:3]...)
  1. Peer ("peer")

    Incoming peer command adds server to peer list.

        if announce.AddPeer(arguments[0], arguments[1], timestamp) {
            messagebus.Bus.Broadcast.Send("peer", arguments[0:3]...)
  1. Heart beat ("heart")

    Do nothing.

Connector Peer Processing

Connector behavior can be viewed as a finite state machine, the implementation is using for loop to execute.

    for conn.runStateMachine() {

Each state is integer value defined at peer/connector.go#38.

    const (
        cStateConnecting   connectorState = iota // register to nodes and make outgoing connections
        cStateHighestBlock connectorState = iota // locate node(s) with highest block number
        cStateForkDetect   connectorState = iota // read block hashes to check for possible fork
        cStateFetchBlocks  connectorState = iota // fetch blocks from current or fork point
        cStateRebuild      connectorState = iota // rebuild database from fork point (config setting to force total rebuild)
        cStateSampling     connectorState = iota // signal resync complete and sample nodes to see if out of sync occurs

peer/connector.go#224: runStateMachine. returns true or false used to decide if state machine should stop or not.

Connector states are described as follows:


Check if every clint is connected and update client count. Stops loop if minimum clients are connected (3).

Hightest block

Get highest block from all clients. Go to next state cStateForkDetect if there another node with larger block height. Otherwise, stop loop.

Fork detected

If other node has larger block height, go to rebuild state.

If current block height is larger than any other node's larget block height, find the latest common block. If current block height gets 60 more blocks thatn latest common block, go to highest block state, otherwise, remove old blocks.

Fetch block

Fetch new blocks from other nodes.


Return to normal operation.


Check peers and block height to detect fork.