This version is depreciated and no longer supported. It is provided for archival purposes.
- GitHub: https://github.com/biocompute-objects
- OSF page: https://osf.io/r6s4u/
- Home page: http://biocomputeobject.org/
Note: The BCO specification is now maintained by the IEEE P2791 working group
BioCompute Object (BCO) specification document v1.0
- This version: v1.0.1
- Previous version: v1.0
- Latest community release: https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/releases/latest
- Latest editor's draft: https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/tree/master
This 1.0.1 release is a mirror from v1.0 but has retrospectively added a schema with validation script, and moved GitHub repository.
High-throughput Sequencing Computational Standards for Regulatory Sciences (HTS-CSRS) Project
This document specifies the structure of BioCompute Objects and was created by the High Throughput Sequencing Computational Standards for Regulatory Sciences (HTS-CSRS) project. This project was focused on providing the scientific community with a framework to harmonize bio-computing, promote interoperability, and verify bioinformatics protocols.