Script Name: CompareTIME
This Bash script compares the local time and the time of a remote server. First, the local time is retrieved using the date +%T command. Then, the remote time is retrieved using the ssh and date -u +%T commands. The remote time is then adjusted by adding 3 hours and 30 minutes using the date -u -d"$remote_time 3 hours 30 minutes" +%T command. Finally, the adjusted times are compared using the if statement. If the times are equal, the phrase "OK" is printed; otherwise, the phrase "NotOK" is printed.
To use this script, first make it executable with the chmod +x command. Then, you can run it with the ./ command.
Suppose your local time is 10:30:00 and the remote server time is 07:00:00. After running this script, the phrase "NotOK" will be printed.
This script takes no parameters.
This script prints the phrase "OK" or "NotOK".