A tool to control time-range based scripts, programs, and more.
- Provide a consistent, elegant way of running a script repeatedly with varied inputs in a useful way, such as fitting a goal run-time.
- Provide clear error handling and notification, failing gracefully.
- Be highly configurable.
- Be highly tested.
Symbol | Meaning |
✅ | Merged |
🟨 | In progress |
🟥 | Not yet begun |
- ✅ Datetime range
- ✅ Old -> New
- ✅ New -> Old
- 🟥 Iterate over item chunks
- 🟥 In presented order
- 🟥 Sorted
- ✅ Direct time taken by command
- ✅ Number returned by command
- ✅ Direct ratio
- ✅ With damping
- 🟥 PID
- ✅ Run command line
- ✅ Args at end of command string
- 🟥 Command line formatting
- ✅ Python Callable
- 🟥 Call URL
- 🟥 Via request parameters
- 🟥 Via request body
- 🟥 Append to file
- ✅ Quit
- 🟥 N retries (before quit)
- 🟥 Immediately
- 🟥 Timed wait
- 🟥 Exponential backoff
- 🟥 Skip
- 🟥 Retry pattern and then skip
- 🟥 Skip and retry again at end of run
- 🟨 Logs
- 🟥 User-named scripts
- 🟥 PushOver
- 🟨 Nominal completion
- 🟨 Erroring out
- 🟥 N% completion
- 🟥 Time passed
- 🟥 In a local file
- 🟥 Tracking
- 🟥 Resumption
- 🟥 In a database
- 🟥 Tracking
- 🟥 Resumption
- Install Poetry
- Run
make setup
make lint
make format
make test