In order to add publications, you need to use Git and follow the steps below. If you don't have the technical knowledge to do so, please write an email to us at [email protected] with the keyword "bigpublication" in the subject line with the bibtex entry and the attached pdf and he will do it for you. If you do not have and cannot create a bibtex entry, provide all information you have, including title, author names in correct order, conference or book name, pages, year.
- send your github account name to [email protected] with the keyword "bigpublication", so he can add you to
- clone with write access over SSH or https
- add the publication PDF to the 2013 or 2014 folder (create 2013 folder if not existing)
- add a bibtex entry of it to bib/big.bib. The entry needs to include the keyword "big-318062" and a URL to the PDF version in the 2013 or 2014 folder (see the existing ones)
- execute either upload.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux or Unix based Macs)
- commit and push the changes
All references of the Big project need to contain the keyword "big-318062" and a URL to the PDF version.