A password management system built using nodejs, expressjs and mongodb
Use the package manager npm to develop Password Management System and Install all its dependencies.
npm install
This Project requires Integration of Vonage API for mesaage sending for Two Factor Authentication. Which requires making a free acoount there.
- MONGODB_URL = [MongoDB URL], it can be local or MongoDB Atlas for Cloud Database
Get the below credentials after creating an account on twilio
npm run start
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
The testing and Styling has been done by Necrolynn47. Head over to TestCases to get to know about it more
The previous version of the app used Vonage API
for the 2-factor Authentication, for both
sign in and sign up flows
The current code is now being migrated to use twilio
verification service
- Which is much cheaper
- Doesn't have the slightly annoying feature of 5 minute wait time for the user, In case of wrong OTP entered
- The final app will be hosted on AWS and will be moved from Railway
- TODO - Incoming, Terraform and Infrastructure diagrams.
It seems like this problem has been there from the starting. New logic is required