When a player (or monster is attacked) there should be a visual indication of blood on the victom.
Branch Name: blood
Depends On: nill
Required for: nill
- Animation (new)
- This should be a generic animation that contains
- Vec::SpriteRenders
- time
- The animation should just cycle through those renders as time goes on
- Eventually walk_animation cna be implemented using this
- This should be a generic animation that contains
- LifeFormUID (New)
- This should init to zero when the server starts up
- It should tick up when new players and monsters
- AnimationSystem
- Should check IO for incoming animation packs
- Then create the entities for these packs
- Should also handle animations from other client systems
- Should check IO for incoming animation packs
- PlayerManSystem
- Should create animation pack and send during melee event
- Cmd::Animation
- Should be sent from the server to players