A easy to use and clean HTTP client lib for Python.
BasicHttp is based on httplib.
from basic_http import BasicHttp
request = BasicHttp('http://www.example.com/')
response = request.GET()
'status': 200,
'header': {
'Content-Length': '596',
'Server': 'Apache',
'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
'body': '...You have reached this web page by ...'
data: string: raw XML or JSON document. dict: key-value Python dictionary.
headers: dict: key-value Python dictonary with HTTP request headers
wanted_status: list: value Python list with HTTP status code expected
from basic_http import BasicHttp
request = BasicHttp('http://www.example.com/')
request.authenticate('user', 'pass')
response = request.GET(headers={'Accept': application/json})
request = BasicHttp('http://www.example.com/')
request.authenticate('user', 'pass')
response = request.POST(data='raw XML here.', wanted_status=[201,202])
request = BasicHttp('http://www.example.com/')
request.authenticate('user', 'pass')
response = request.PUT(data={'id': 5, 'name': example}, wanted_status=[204,])