I found that solving String Calculator Kata every day for a few weeks helped me to setup my mind towards TDD approach. Therefore I build basic ready-to-go package for anyone who wish to grasp this topic as fast as possible.
You can find all details about kata on this page.. The most important part is to follow the instruction and to NOT READ the whole description before the first approach.
- clone this repository "https://github.com/bartoszherba/string-calculator-kata.git"
- run "cd string-calculator-kata"
- run "composer install"
- Calculator class is in /app directory
- test is in test directory
- to run test simply execute "php vendor/bin/phpunit" from a root directory
- complete version is on completed branch
This is a kata. You should do this kata each day at least for a few weeks. Only then you will set your brain to mentally grasp TDD approach.