SwapBytes is a simple peer to peer file sharing application that allows users to chat in public rooms, create private messaging sessions, and share files.
To run the application, type the following into a terminal at the root of the directory:
cargo run
To run multiple peers, run multiple terminal instances.
Note that this application discovers peers through a local network.
First, you must have more than one peer connected, and choose a nickname. From there you are brought to the Global chat topic where you can chat with others.
To change rooms, switch tabs by pressing tab. You can then select a room using the arrow keys and pressing enter.
The application has multiple commands that the user can use to perform different actions.
Note that when using a command with an argument, you do not need to provide the square brackets. They are there to show that it is a variable.
Below is a list of the available commands:
/help - View a list of all available commands
/list - List all known users that have sent a message
/create_room [room] - Create a new room and join it
/connect [nickname] - Invite a peer to share files and chat privately
/request [filename] - Request a file in a private messaging session
/accept - Accept an incoming request (such as a file, or a connection)
/reject - Reject an incoming request (such as a file, or a connection)
/leave - Leave a private messaging session