Video games listing app. Including game searching, adding to favorites and reach to details.
Gamers Like Games is gamers' favori game listing app!
1. Make sure you have the Xcode version 14.0 or above installed on your computer.
2. Download the Gamers Like Games project files from the repository.
3. Open the project files in Xcode.
4. Review the code and make sure you understand what it does.
5. You can see the game list and search.
6. When tap the cell of game, game details will appear.
* Gamers Like Games project is implemented using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture pattern.
* Model has constants file for datas that using different part of project and must writen correctly.
* Storyboards has Main.storyboard and LaunchScreen.storyboard views.
* Delegates has AppDelegate.swift and SceneDelegate.swift files.
* Extensions has extensions for scrollview, imageview, iuview and iulabel.
* Resources has coredata model, info.plist and assets files.
* Scenes has 2 folders named TabBar and Details. In tabbar has 3 more folders for favorites screen, home screen and controller(for tabbar).
* Favorites and home screen has model, view, viewmodel and controller folders for those files.
- Design similar to assignment pdf.
- Used API.
- In this api has 2 different way to fetching games and game details.
- Used KingFisher package for images. KingFisher