A simple PID library for use with Arduino or other C++ applications.
A PID Controller is a method of system control in which a correctional output
is generated to guide the system toward a desired setpoint (aka target
The PIDController
calculates the output
based on the following factors:
(proportional, integral, and derivative)Target
The gains
act as multipliers for their corresponding components of PID.
The target
is a user-specified value which the system
strives to reach by manipulating the output
The feedback
is the system's actual position or status in regards to the
physical world. This can be a position read by an encoder, an orientation from
an accelerometer, etc. Something important to note is that the unit of
the system matches the unit of the feedback
, and the PIDController
will try
to maintain the value of the target
in terms of the feedback
. For example:
Assuming a
read from a robot's position on a number line, thetarget
would represent the desired position and thePIDController
would use theoutput
to maneuver the robot to that position. -
Assuming a
reading the angular rate of a gyroscope, thetarget
would represent a desired angular rate and thePIDController
would use theoutput
to maintain a rotation matching that rate.For each application of PID, the user must understand the desired behavior of the system and provide a method of
appropriate to achieve the goal (seePIDSource
Another important term in PID is error
, which refers to the difference
between the target and the feedback.
Each of the three components of PID contributes a unique behavior to the system.
The Proportional
component introduces a linear relationship between the
(target minus feedback) and the output
. This means that as the
grows further away from the target
, the output
proportionally stronger.
Proportional component = (P Gain) * (error)
= (P Gain) * (target - feedback)
The Integral
component is designed to give a very precise approach of the
to the target
. Depending on the scale of the physical system
and the precision of feedback (e.g. sensors), the proportional component
alone is likely not sufficient to provide adequate power (e.g. to motors)
to guide the system in regards to small-scale correction. The Integral
component integrates the error
of the system (target - feedback) over
time. If the system reaches a point where it is close to - but not exactly
on top of - the target, the integration will slowly build until it is
powerful enough to overcome static resistances and move the system
precisely to the target.
Integral component = (I Gain) * Integral of error over time
In this implementation, Integral is calculated with a running summation of the system's error, updated at each tick()
The Derivative
component measures the rate of change of the feedback
It can reduce the strength of the output
if 1) the feedback
is approaching
the target
too quickly or 2) if the feedback
is moving away from the
Derivative component = (D Gain) * ((change in error) / (change in time))
= (D Gain) * ((error - lastError) / (time - lastTime))
Now that we know what each component of PID contributes, the output
of a
can be nicely summed up with:
PID Output = Proportional component + Integral component + Derivative component
This library was built with versatility in mind. Though the project it was built for is Arduino, no Arduino-specific function calls are made. Instead, function pointers provide hooks for gathering necessary inputs, such as system time.
Since one of the primary focuses in this library is platform independence, there are several instances where function pointers are used to provide hooks into the parent program. Three notable instances are:
The PIDSource
and PIDOutput
are used for retrieving feedback
from the
parent system and delivering the calculated output
, respectively. At the
construction of a PIDController
, two function pointers are passed in which
represent functions created by the user which perform these tasks. Below is an
example of using PIDSource
and PIDOutput
int pidSource()
return mySensor.getValue();
void pidOutput(int output)
// P, I, and D represent constants in the user's program
PIDController myPIDController(P, I, D, pidSource, pidOutput);
is a method that gives the user a chance to tell the
how to retrieve system time. This is useful because different
platforms have different APIs but we can use handling functions to pass in
references to time-getting functions (if the return type matches the
's function pointer type) or to make conversions so that the
types are made to match. Below are some examples:
- On an Arduino system, the millis() function returns time in milliseconds as an unsigned long, which matches the function pointer type for the registerTimeFunction() method.
- On a system that has no matching time-getting function, we can create a wrapper method that will convert the value and allow us to pass it as a parameter.
// Let's assume this platform's time function is
// double getSeconds();
unsigned long timeFunction()
// Multiply by 1000 to convert seconds to milliseconds
return (unsigned long) (getSeconds() * 1000);
Feedback wrap is an optional feature that can cause the number line of the input
range to "wrap" around on itself. As an example, assume a PIDSource
that set
to retrieve a value from a magnetometer sensor that returns a value from 0 to 360.
Under normal circumstances, a feedback of 15 and target of 345 would cause
the system to generate an output
to navigate it in the positive direction to
compensate for the error of 330. However, in this scenario, it would be much
more effective to generate a negative output
to cover a distance of 30 rather
than a distance of 330. Feedback Wrap allows us to cause the upper and lower
bounds of the range to appear adjacent to one another for the purpose of
calculating the error
. This also fixes problems with overshoot: if the
system's target was set to 0 and it overshot, a magnetometer or other rotation
sensor would return a value near to 360, which would cause the error to spike
quickly and make the system travel the entire distance in the negative direction
again. Setting the feedback
to be wrapped at 0 and 360 causes the error
accurately represent the physical state of the system.
To setup Feedback Wrap (this automatically enables it as well):
myPIDController.setFeedbackWrapBounds(0, 360);
To disable or re-enable Feedback Wrap:
This library provides many getter functions that will allow insight into the
system's state. Any function that sets an option or value has a corresponding
getter which can be useful in recalling the settings that the PIDController
operating under. Additionally, methods are provided to display the contribution
of each component of PID to the current output, which is very useful when tuning
the system.
myPIDController.getP(); // Returns P Gain
myPIDController.getI(); // Returns I Gain
myPIDController.getD(); // Returns D Gain
These getter functions are updated at every run of tick()
In C++, using templates
allows you to create classes that are prepared to
handle different types of data. This PID library uses templates to allow you
to perform calculations using different types of numeric values. For example:
PIDController<int> myIntPIDController(...);
PIDController<long> myLongPIDController(...);
PIDController<float> myFloatPIDController(...);
PIDController<double> myDoublePIDController(...);
The data type passed into the angle brackets <> determines what type of value the PIDController will handle. A PIDController will need PIDSource and PIDOutput function pointers that are compliant with an int, but a PIDController will need to comply with doubles. For example:
// For an int PIDController
int pidIntSource()
return mySensor.getIntValue();
void pidIntOutput(int output)
// P, I, and D represent constants in the user's program.
PIDController<int> myIntPIDController(P, I, D, pidIntSource, pidIntOutput);
// For a double PIDController
double pidDoubleSource()
return mySensor.getDoubleValue();
void pidDoubleOutput(double output)
// P, I, and D represent constants in the user's program.
PIDController<double> myDoublePIDController(P, I, D, pidDoubleSource, pidDoubleOutput);
Additionally, the getter
methods covered in the "Calculation Transparency"
section and their corresponding setter
methods will also adapt to handle the
data type specified for the PIDController at construction.