Data Processing for the Hydrological Monitoring Network in the Bühlert catchment operated by KIT.
A google map with the postions of the measuring devices can be found here.
The data is supposed to be incorporated in the V-FOR-Water platform.
The Python Scripts in this repository aim to merge the data collected from several types of loggers. Data collection usually takes place once a month and is conducted by a HiWi (research assistance). The types of loggers and the individual loggers are listed here:
- log precipitation in 0.2 mm increments with a 5 min temporal resolution
- temperature as well
- non heated → snow is not measured → data from winter can be discarded
- prone to clogging
- two stations with two depths each
- log electrical conductivity, volumetric soil moisture and temperature
OTT Hydromet Pressure Transducer measuring the water level at a spring with Thomson weir (triangular weir)
- logs water level, temperature and electrical conductivty
- weir is not completely teight &rightarrow some of the spring discharge is not captured
- record interflow after strong precipitation events, otherwise they are mostl dry