(Deprecated, uses Twitter API v1)
TweetSweep is a lightweight command-line tool that lets you sweep any twitter handle for desired strings. It can optionally avoid undesirable strings or output to a .csv
-u, --usernames
- A comma-delimited string of twitter handles to search
-u bryan_ash,some_other_handle
- Required
-m, --matches
- A comma-delimited string of the keywords that a tweet should include
-i P90X,HubSpot
- Required
-e, --excludes
- A comma-delimited string of the keywords that shouldn't be present in a tweet
-e instagram
- Not Required
-o, --output
- An optional CSV file to output the results to. If this isn't included, the results are printed to the console.
-o tweets.csv
- Not required
-a, --any
- Match any of the provided keywords.
- Not required
-i, --insensitive
- Make the search case-insensitive
- Not required
python tweetsweep.py -u bryan_ash -m p90x,hubspot -i -a
Handle: bryan_ash
Number of tweets: 147
Get ready, get set, #getatme with @hubspotdev http://t.co/WGhT8qCJBe
Foam Roller acquired. Get ready @P90X2, I'm coming for ya! #bestshapeofmylife
Ohmygoshohmygosh #bringit @P90X2 http://t.co/BjUkKpcd
Only tested on Mac OS X.
Pull requests are welcome!
Twitter's API only allows a given network to hit their API 150 times per hour. Check out the docs for more info.
Copyright (c) 2013 Bryan (Bash) Ash
Licensed under the MIT license.