- collibra-dev: https://adidas-dev.collibra.com/signin
- collibra-production: https://adidas.collibra.com/signin
- collibra-api: https://university.collibra.com/developer/rest/rest-core-api/
Each Domain belongs to a community
Assets are specific (like Table, Row, Column,....), there are many predefined assets available. Each asset belongs to a domain.
https://university.collibra.com/knowledge/collibra-body-of-knowledge/data-governance-operating-model/structural-concepts/asset-types/ Assets can be related to other assets (e.g. Columns belongs to Table). There are many Types of Assets (use /AssetTypes endpoint)
Assets can have multiple Attributes (e.g. Tag, Description, ....)
Relations can be defined between two assets (target and source)