This library is a DuckDB wrapper in nim. It uses nimterop to generate the C Bindings.
Opening/closing a database:
import duckdb
# Open database and connection.
# Connection and database closed automatically with destructors
var dbConn = connect("mydb.db")
Opening/closing an in-memory database:
import duckdb
# Open database and connection
# Connection and database closed automatically with destructors
var dbConn = connect()
Executing commands and fetching a prepared statement
dbConn.exec("CREATE TABLE integers(i INTEGER, j INTEGER);")
dbConn.exec("INSERT INTO integers VALUES (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, NULL);")
var items: seq[seq[string]]
for item in dbConn.rows("SELECT * FROM integers WHERE i = ? or j = ?", 3, "6"):
assert items == @[@["3", "4"], @["5", "6"]]
Executing commands and fast inserting. Fast inserting is much faster than inserting in a loop.
dbConn.exec("CREATE TABLE integers(i INTEGER, j INTEGER);")
dbConn.exec("INSERT INTO integers VALUES (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, NULL);")
@["11", "NULL"]
var items: seq[seq[string]]
for item in dbConn.rows(
"""SELECT i, j, i + j
FROM integers"""
): items.add(item)
check items == @[@["3", "4", "7"], @["5", "6", "11"], @["7", "NULL", "NULL"], @["11", "NULL", "NULL"]]
Null items are represented by "NULL"
Special thanks to @Clonkk as I used his nimterop script to generate the wrapper.
I can be reached at [email protected]