Version 0.10 and above:
This image is now the official Docker image for Kaa. If you are looking to deploy Kaa 0.10 and above, please visit the Kaa project documentation for Docker deployment:
Of course, the Kaa team took my contribution and improved it a lot, it's therefore bound to be better than what I made! Enjoy!
Greetings! Thanks for checking out this repository. You will find here an easy-to-use Docker image to launch a Kaa IoT server in a single command. If you don't already know about Kaa, check out their home page at: http://www.kaaproject.org.
"Kaa is a feature-rich, open-source IoT middleware platform for rapid development of the Internet of Things solutions, IoT applications, and smart products."
While the Kaa sandbox offers great use-case examples, this image will dramatically increase your development and deployment speed!
Extremely easy to configure
Easily switch between MariaDB and PostgreSQL (no Postgres driver bug!)
Easily switch between MongoDB and Cassandra
Kaa-node starts only after Zookeeper nodes, SQL and NoSQL containers are ready
Cluster deployment will be implemented soon!
I suggest you first checkout Kaa's official installation guide before using this image: -> http://docs.kaaproject.org/display/KAA/Installation+guide
Kaa IoT requires the following dependencies to run:
- Zookeeper 3.4.5
- MariaDB 5.5 or PostgreSQL 9.4
- MongoDB 3.2.6 or Cassandra 2.2.5
It is recommended to use the versions specified above. Try later versions at your own risk!
- 07/03: MariaDB is default SQL provider. - 06/16: Added health check for MongoDB - 06/14: Added health checks for Zookeeper, MariaDB/Postgres
I have provided two examples runs using docker-compose. Simply run launch-kaa.sh in either:
Using MariaDB + MongoDB:
- examples/using-compose/mariadb-mongodb/
Using PostgreSQL + MongoDB:
- examples/using-compose/postgresql-mongodb/
Running a single command, you will easily deploy a single-node Kaa IoT server. Unreleased: easy cluster deployment!
Obtain the image in two ways:
Docker hub (recommended)
Docker build
Download Kaa's debian package at: http://www.kaaproject.org/download-kaa/ and place it inside 'install/', or anywhere else.
Build, specifying the debian package location: $ docker build --build-arg setupfile=<KAA_DEB_PACKAGE> -t cburr25/kaa:0.9.0 .
Then follow these steps to run the image:
(1) Run Zookeeper (3.4.8), MariaDB (5.5)/PostgreSQL (9.4) and MongoDB (3.2.6)/Cassandra (2.2.5)
(2) Write up a Docker environment file to configure your server, see examples/using-compose/kaa-example.env. You must specify SQL_PROVIDER_NAME.
List of available environment variables:
SERVICES_WAIT_TIMEOUT | -1 (forever) | Seconds (integer) before timeout while waiting for ZK/SQL/NoSQL to be ready, otherwise abort. 10: wait 10 seconds. 0: don't wait -1: wait forever. |
ZOOKEEPER_NODE_LIST | localhost:2181 | comma separated list |
SQL_PROVIDER_NAME | mariadb | mariadb , postgresql |
JDBC_HOST | localhost | |
JDBC_PORT | if mariadb: 3306 if postgresql: 5432 |
JDBC_USERNAME | sqladmin | |
JDBC_PASSWORD | admin | |
JDBC_DB_NAME | kaa |
| |
| CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME | Kaa Cluster | | CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE_NAME | kaa | | CASSANDRA_NODE_LIST | localhost:9042 | comma separated list | CASSANDRA_USE_SSL | false | | CASSANDRA_USE_JMX | true | | CASSANDRA_USE_CREDENTIALS | false | | CASSANDRA_USERNAME | (empty) | | CASSANDRA_PASSWORD | (empty) | | | | | MONGODB_NODE_LIST | localhost:27017 | | MONGODB_DB_NAME | kaa | | MONGODB_WRITE_CONCERN | acknowledged | | | | | NOSQL_PROVIDER_NAME | mongodb | mongodb , cassandra | | | | CONTROL_SERVER_ENABLED | true | true/false | BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ENABLED | true | true/false | OPERATIONS_SERVER_ENABLED | true | true/false | THRIFT_HOST | localhost | | THRIFT_PORT | 9090 | | ADMIN_PORT | 8080 | | SUPPORT_UNENCRYPTED_CONNECTION | true | true/false | TRANSPORT_BIND_INTERFACE | | | TRANSPORT_PUBLIC_INTERFACE | localhost | | METRICS_ENABLED | true | true/false
(3) Run this image, link the containers however you want. See 'docker-run-kaa-0.9.sh' for an example.
UPCOMING UPDATE: A more complete set of examples will be included soon, including running with Cassandra and easy cluster deployment. Watch out for updates!
If you run your Docker container as a daemon, you won't see its output. That's okay, just run:
$ docker exec <container-name> tail -f /var/log/kaa/kaa-node.log
Or simply run the shortcut script 'view-kaa-node-logs.sh' in the examples !
This image was originally written to ease deployment and testing. If you find any bugs or misplaced stuff, help us tidy-up with a pull request!
-- Maintainer: Christopher Burroughs, lead software engineer & architect at xMight Inc., an energy management IoT startup.