Releases: axsk/ISOKANN.jl
Releases · axsk/ISOKANN.jl
ISOKANN v1.1.0
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- IsoForce seems to be bugged for T != 1 (#3)
- replace vec_to_coords by reinterpret (#5)
- Girsanov for Overdamped Langevin (#6)
- Alignment of molecules (#8)
- VGV adaptive sampling (#12)
- Clean up MOR (#13)
- Release 1.0 (#17)
- Change default parameters (#27)
- New Features systems (#28)
- Validation loss logger (#30)
- Saving and Loading state / OpenMMSimulation (#31)
- getxs, getcoords etc. inconsistencies (#39)
- Reactive Path uses unaligned distances (#41)
- Alignment is not working properly (#43)
ISOKANN v1.0.0
Merged pull requests:
- BioStructures.jl compat (#25) (@jgreener64)
- Fix: set_numpy_state missing positional argument (#26) (@joramkuntze)
ISOKANN v0.1.0
Merged pull requests:
- Adding support for small molecule/protein system, adding options for waters/solvent, typo correction (#22) (@csecker)
- Making openff.toolkit and openmmforcefields imports conditional, fixing addwater for protein only system (#23) (@csecker)
Closed issues:
- Switch to using Flux.DataLoader (#2)
- Save momentum in Langevin simulations (#4)
- Change ys dimensions as to reflect batch in last dimension? (#7)
- Clean up VGV (#10)
- Look into save_reactive_coord (#11)
- add SimulationData type (#14)
- Remove the old IsoRun (#15)
- Move Molly support to Extension (#16)
- pairwise distance feature cutoff parameter (#20)