#ESRI JSAPI Jasmine Template
A template to simplify unit testing ESRI JSAPI code, using Jasmine.
- Support Jasmine and Dojo frameworks without needing local installations, i.e., using the Dojo framework from ESRI's JSAPI
- Support AMD loading for both project code and tests, so that each test module can simply require its production module
- Provide a Grunt task for CI integration
#Quick start:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository directory>
npm install
grunt test
By default, the test runner will pull in source files that match js/app/*.js, and test files that match js/spec/*spec.js; these paths can be changed by editing the dojoConfig variable in the test runner template (esri_amd.html).
#Tooling and Inspiration:
This template makes use of grunt-contrib-jasmine, and draws heavily from the work done on the grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs template, as well as Dave Bouwman's blog.