Job name: consume-batch-ma-with-cr-ecd-{dev/preview/live}
Layer: Consume
Tables used:
- kafka.red_red_cleaned
- kafka.red_vd_cleaned
- kafka.red_ecd_raw
- kinesis.contactrequests_daily_cr_per_classified
- kinesis.customeractions_daily_actions_per_classified
Successors: TBD
GitHub link:
The pipeline consists of several components:
- Loading tables: Load multiple tables into Dynamic Frames with push down predicate option to prepare them for further processing.
- Setting country values: Preparing a list with values for geoid, country name, distribution type and data source to process data according to those values.
- Custom Transformation: Custom transformation logic implemented in PySpark for further data processing, including renaming fields and casting data types.
- Concat Dynamic Frames: Perform union-like operations to get a single DynamicFrame with values for every loop iteration.
- Writing to S3: Write DynamicFrame for each itteration to S3, compressed in json and csv format.
- AWS Glue Data Catalog Integration: Writing transformed data to an AWS Glue Data Catalog table, enabling querying and analysis.