This repo contains sample code that is related to the AWS blog post here link to be added on migrating a .NET core Web Api to use Serverless compute. The API is a simple one that implements functionality for storing/retriving airline bookings. It interacts with:
- A MySQL database
- An external customer service API accessed over HTTP
The starting .NET Core Web API can be executed on your local machine using Docker. Follow the below steps to start the application:
- Start the MySQL instance locally using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
- Navigate into the DotnetToLambda.Api folder and start the API
cd .\src\DotnetToLambda.Api\DotnetToLambda.Api\
dotnet run
- Make a POST request to http://localhost:5000/booking/reserve with the below body:
"OutboundFlightId": "1234567",
"CustomerId": "customername",
"ChargeId": "98765"
- Make a GET request as per below to validate the API is online, you should receive back on record.
curl http://localhost:5000/booking/customer/customername
The AWS ready application is built in two parts that need to be deployed in order.
All required infrastructure (VPC, Subnets, RDS instances) are deployed using AWS CDK. To deploy:
- Navigate into the infrastructure directory and deploy the CDK application
cd .\src\DotnetToLambda.Api\infrastructure\
cdk deploy
- Make a note of all the CDK outputs as these will be required to deploy the Serverless application
Secondly, the actual Booking API running on Lambda compute is deployed using the SAM Cli.
- Navigate into the serverless application folder and build the sam application
cd .\src\serverless\DotnetToLambda.Serverless\
sam build
- Once the build is complete run the deploy command below, replacing the parameter values with the outputs taken from the CDK deployment
sam deploy --parameter-overrides 'ParameterKey=SecretArn,ParameterValue=<SecretArn> ParameterKey=PrivateSubnet1,ParameterValue=<PrivateSubnet1> ParameterKey=PrivateSubnet2,ParameterValue=<PrivateSubnet2> ParameterKey=SecurityGroup,ParameterValue=<SecurityGroup>'
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.