A suite of classical crypto and puzzle tools.
The project aims to provide utils that can be imported as python modules to quickly solve unique problems, but also be used on the command line via cryptobin.py.
usage: cryptobin.py [-h] [-l LANGUAGE] SUBCOMMAND ... [FILE]
cryptobin cli tool.
positional arguments:
anagram anagram utilities
bifid bifid cipher utilities
count character counting
enc character encoding transformations
fa frequency analysis
int integer sequence analysis
morse morse encoding utilities
playfair playfair cipher utilities
roman roman numeral encoding utilities
rot text rotation (e.g. ROT13) utilities
submap substitution cipher utilities
tonal tonal encoding utilities
vigenere vigenere cipher utilities
words word utilities
FILE the input to be processed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
the language being analyzed, in ISO 639-1 (default:
In the root directory, run:
python -m unittest