Closed issues
- getAppMetadata - how to use? #248
- Auth0 class missing action to renew access token #234
- DOC maj #217
- User pagination and fields, docblocks, formatting, test improvements #261 (joshcanhelp)
- Unit test for withDictParams method #260 (joshcanhelp)
- Pagination, additional parameters, and tests for the Connections endpoint #258 (joshcanhelp)
- Renew tokens method for Auth0 client class #257 (jspetrak)
- Clients endpoint pagination and improvements #256 (joshcanhelp)
- Add email template endpoints #251 (joshcanhelp)
- Code style scan and fixes #250 (joshcanhelp)
- Fix PHPUnit test. #262 (maurobonfietti)
- Allow $page to be null for Clients so pagination is not triggered #259 (joshcanhelp)
- Rewrite README; add news and notes to CHANGELOG #253 (joshcanhelp)