is a simple library for SemantiVersion Swift. SemanticVersion
is implemented Equatable/Comparable operator.
Write to Cartfile the following line.
github "radioboo/SemanticVersion"
You can install with Carthage command.
$ carthage update
Please read my test code, you can understand the more specific usage.
// Example
let versionA = SemanticVersion("1.0.0")
let versionB = SemanticVersion("2.0.0")
versionA == versionB // false
versionA != versionB // true
versionA < versionB // true
versionA <= versionB // true
versionA > versionB // false
versionA >= versionB // false
- Implement for
prelease version
SAKAI, Atsushi, [email protected]
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.