A small module for rounding dates to arbitrary intervals. For example it will allow you to round up or down to the nearest 45 min block in a day.
var roundDate = require("round-date");
// round to the nearest 45 minute block
var roundedDate = roundDate.round(45 * 60, new Date());
// floor to the most recent 30 second offset
var nearest30Seconds = roundDate.floor(30, new Date());
// floor to the nearest 90min block, using midnight in Brisbane, Australia as the start point
// (and assuming you are not currently in the +10 timezone)
var roundedDateBne = roundDate.round(90 * 60, "2015-01-30T03:45:00+1000", "2015-01-30T00:00:00+1000");
// produces: 2015-01-29T18:30:00.000Z (equivalent to: 2015-01-30T04:30:00.000+1000)
var roundDate = require("roundDate")
Return a new date rounded to the nearest roundToSeconds
Return a new date floored to the nearest roundToSeconds
Return a new date ceilinged to the nearest roundToSeconds
If startDate
is not defined, rounding is aligned to midnight of date
in the current local timezone.
If startDate
is provided, rounding is instead relatively aligned to the supplied startDate
Specifying startDate
is necessary when the current local timezone of the environment does not match the timezone the calculations are for.
With npm do:
npm install round-date