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Releases: atarw/material-ui-swing


11 Jun 08:26
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Material-UI-Swing 1.1.2

One month late, we are happy to announce version 1.1.2 that close the our big Milestone Material-UI-Swing 1.1.2.

This version includes the following changes

  • Bug Fixing in the Material UI Theme
  • Small bug fixing in the repository code (Removed dead code)
  • Removing deprecated API
  • Introduce the Java linter under the Google Code Style
  • Improve Github Actions
  • Support Themes under the material-theme palette look the screenshot in the Wiki

Ask question about the release, join to the discussion at the following link vincenzopalazzo/material-ui-swing#166

New Material themes


See also here


See also here

P.S: Sorry if we break your App with the new theme but these are really cool 💯 .

Join in the new Github discussion to give us feedback and ideas





implementation 'io.github.vincenzopalazzo:material-ui-swing:1.1.2'



Java9 module name



If you like the library and want to support it, please considerer to donate with the following system


20 Sep 10:31
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Material-UI-Swing 1.1.2-rc1 (hotfix)


This release is a hotfix to fix the casting bug described below:




implementation 'io.github.vincenzopalazzo:material-ui-swing:1.1.2-rc1'



Java9 module name



If you like the library and want support it, please considerer to donate with the following system

v1.1.1: Gotham

03 Aug 13:06
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Material-UI-Swing 1.1.1: Gotham


I am happy to annunce the Material-UI-Swing library 1.1.1, after a very long incubation period, around 9 months. This version of the library imported a complete support of the material style for the swing components and also support the java9 modules.

In addition, we are entuasiate to annunce that the library was used inside a very big and important project in the Java world (Included inside the best 25 java apps described here) called JMars. In fact JMars is a geospatial information system (GIS) used to study the data built from the most important space missions, like Mars 2020 developed by Nasa and Hope developed by United Arab Emirates (UAE).

JMars description

JMARS is an acronym that stands for Java Mission-planning and Analysis for Remote Sensing. It is a geospatial information system (GIS) developed by ASU's Mars Space Flight Facility to provide mission planning and data-analysis tools to NASA scientists, instrument team members, students of all ages and the general public. JMARS has been available to the public since 2003. It is used in over 65 countries and has over 6,000 active users.

Also, Arizona State University is a founder/supporter with donations. In fact, ASU contribute to make possible the work on this library such as a open source library open for all people. Thanks to do this.

Material-UI-Swing 1.1.1

After a short summary with the a shor description of people that are helping me to develop this open source library. I want introduce the news inside the library, and they are a few.
Before all, all stable versions of the library will bring a name in addition to the version number.

This version will be call Gotham and the mascotte of this version is Bane.

The news inside the library are:

  • New icons insie the project, in fact the library implementa a customizzation of JIconFont that support the last version of Google Material Icons
  • Removed all undecessary images with png format inside the library, in relation of these changes the class MaterialImagesFactory change a little the API, look the javadoc here for more information
  • MaterialTheme change the status from alpha version to beta version, now you can develope a new theme like a new jar and you can include it inside your java app
  • All status inside the component are supported, some components syule below

Maven Repository





implementation 'io.github.vincenzopalazzo:material-ui-swing:1.1.1'



Java9 module name


Real use cases

  1. How JMars application look like with Material-UI-Swing

  1. How ArgoUML look like (support material lib in argo UML are coming soon, look the status here)

Special thanks

Before all, I want to say thanks to all people that help me to improve the library and to make the version 1.1.1, so thanks @zanderson9, @metteo, @jarek-insys, @mikera

Also, I want to say thank all people that are using and testing the library.

Maven data


If you like the library and want support it, please considerer to donate with the following system


08 Mar 20:13
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v1.1.1-prelease6.1 Pre-release

Material-UI-Swing pre-release 6.1


This version includes the complete refactoring to JButton and restored all change inside the JTable (the code of the table UI is equal to code the version 1.1.1_beta material-ui-swing version).

MaterialButtonUI Refactoring

The old version of MaterialButtonUI had a bad code inside the implementation and this caused the bad performance with a complex client application, how JMars, an example mouse hover event on Jbutton worked bad or ware very slow.
The version 1.1.1 pre-release 6.1 (over to have an ugly name 😄) introduce a big refactoring inside the component UI, and change/simplifies the API of JButton if you want to create a personal UI.

as well as to disabled the mouse hovers on the Jbutton, you can disable the focus (borders dashed) and the button pressed effect.

With order.

Disabled mouse hover with personalUI

to paint the button with no mouse hover effect you can use this code, described in vincenzopalazzo/material-ui-swing issues.

Disabled borders dashed

to disabled border dashed there are two possible methods, like:

  • set the button not focusable or with button.setFocusable(false);
  • create a personal implementation of the method paintFoucs, like the following code
    protected void paintFocus(Graphics g, AbstractButton b, Rectangle viewRect, Rectangle textRect, Rectangle iconRect) {
        paintBorderButton(g, b);

Disable button pressed effect

To disabled button pressed effect you can override inside the personal UI component the method called paintButtonPressed with code like the following:

    protected void paintButtonPressed(Graphics g, AbstractButton b) {
        g.fillRoundRect(0, 0, b.getWidth(), b.getHeight(), arch, arch);
        paintBorderButton(g, b);

Refactoring JTable

In the material-ui-swing 1.1.1 pre-release6.1 include refactoring to JTable, before this update the proprieties inside UIDefault was:

		UIManager.put("Table.alternateRowColor", true);
		UiManager.put("Table.alternateRowBackground", Color.RED);

and inside the MaterialTableCellRenderer the code was:

public class MaterialTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {

	public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
		JComponent component = (JComponent) super.getTableCellRendererComponent (table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
		// hides yellow selection highlight
		this.setHorizontalAlignment (SwingConstants.CENTER);
		this.setVerticalAlignment (SwingConstants.CENTER);

		if(value instanceof Boolean){
			TableCellRenderer renderer = new MaterialTableCellRendererCheckBox();
			return renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);

		boolean alternativeRow = UIManager.getBoolean("Table.alternateRowColor");
		Color alternativeRowColor = UIManager.getColor("Table.alternateRowBackground");
		Color normalColor = UIManager.getColor("Table.background");
				if(row%2 == 1) {
					setDefaultCellRenderWithAllType(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column, alternativeRowColor);
					setDefaultCellRenderWithAllType(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column, normalColor);
			}else {
		return component;

	// This method sets a MaterialCellRender at the particular class
	// With this class not working correctly the color alternate in the Jtable
	// in particular the IconImage without this code the cell is painted not correctly or
	// in the cell did print the path of the image

	protected void setDefaultCellRenderWithAllType(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column, Color color) {
		if(table == null){
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table is null");

		Component component = table.getDefaultRenderer(ImageIcon.class).getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);

Now the code is refactorized and the UIManager proprieties are changed in

table.put("Table.alternateRowColor", Color.RED);

Now the paint row is managed to DefaultTableCellRenderer and if you create the PersonalTableCellRenderer, you can extend the API class (DefaultTableCellRenderer) and not MaterialTableCellRenderer


Now the implementation of JButton is a lot of personalizable but it is possible to increase the modularization of the component MaterialButtonUI.
For the moment the version remains this because another refactoring can introduce a few bugs inside the component behavior

Other changes are described inside the CHANGELOG file

Document License

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"Santa Claus lives in area 51"

24 Dec 22:14
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🎅 Material-UI-Swing 🎄

  • Version: 1.1.1-beta
  • Name: "Santa Claus lives in area 51"

Release notes

Bug Fixed

New label

I have created the new label to create a little documentation to material-ui-swing, you can see the label doc and here

New feature

  • Partial support to the JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
  • Introduction partial support to the new style of the MaterialTabbedPane (Sperimental version)
  • New theme dark called JMarsDark, ispirated to JMars Beta version, you can find it here

With MaterialTabbedPane is possible now enable the scrollabe view, for some detail , you can look docuementation

This is the result

But exist an bug, look the bug 1 in the know bug

Without the scrollable view you can have the angular material effect when the is setter JTabbledPane.TOP, this is the result


Without the JTabbledPane.TOP, so JTabbledPane.LEAF, ecc you have the old version style, like this:



know Bug

1. I know the bug in JTabbedPane when is enable scrollable view, this is the bug



The demo is update, you can play with it, but have the partial support to the Material theme.





implementation 'io.github.vincenzopalazzo:material-ui-swing:1.1.1_beta'

Others version here


This version is more stable and more optimized.

If you like my work, I will happy if you buy me the christmas movie or you can see the my Github donator site

Merry Christmast 🎅 🎄

v0.9.6: Merge pull request #82 from vincenzopalazzo/workingonversion1.0

29 May 05:07
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Updating releases to catch up with the latest master

v0.9.4.0: Merge pull request #76 from vincenzopalazzo/fixsomeissue

29 Mar 00:13
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Haven't updated this in a while oops

v0.9.3.5: Merge pull request #56 from vincenzopalazzo/fix#55

21 Jan 20:02
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Small bug with JTextFields is no more


29 Dec 21:12
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v0.9.3.4 Pre-release


29 Aug 20:44
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v0.9.3.3 Pre-release

JButtons with icons now display properly