Git Workflow
- Note: Please remember to always pull before pushing. (good practice to avoid merge conflicts later)
- How to clone this repo locally
- How to collaborate using Git & GitHub
##Responsive Product Grid Layout
- Mobile-First
- Tablet
- Desktop
- Onclick shirt flip
- Onclick shirt flip-back
- HTML blocking/layout
- Skitch the site
- CSS Styling/Transitions
###Creating a 'style guide' with:
- colors
- hover effects
- fonts
- family
- weight
- size
- line thickness/weight/height
- icons or fancier icons or WHATEVER ELSE YOU FIND!!!
- Source Placeholder images
###Final touches
- Make pixel perfect
##Horizontal Slide Out Menu
- Mobile-First
- Tablet
- Desktop
- Drop down
- slide up
- transition show/hide
- close all menus when selecting last two options
- HTML blocking/layout
- Skitch the site
- CSS Styling/Transitions
###Creating a 'style guide' with:
- colors
- hover effects
- fonts
- family
- weight
- size
- line thickness/weight/height
- icons or fancier icons or WHATEVER ELSE YOU FIND!!!
- Source Placeholder images
###Final touches
- Make pixel perfect