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Firebase.jl is the solution for working with Firebase with the Julia programming language.
Firebase isn't endorsing this project and hasn't built this project. So use it at your own discretion and risk.
Stable Version
# Enter ']' from the REPL to enter Pkg mode.
pkg> add Firebase
Dev Version
using Pkg
# Enter ']' from the REPL to enter Pkg mode.
pkg> add
To fetch a document
using Firebase
Firebase.init("[FIREBASE_ADMIN_SDK].json") # just init() works too
# if you have multiple sdk key files, in your project make a firebase folder and put all key in that folder
Firebase.init() will look something like this:
julia> Firebase.init()
Choose your admin sdk key for use:
> firebase/fir-jl-457eb-firebase-adminsdk-40928-b1054bfad0.json
Project Admin SDK key is firebase/fir-jl-457eb-firebase-adminsdk-40928-b1054bfad0.json now!!
project_id: fir-jl-457eb
client_email: [email protected]
To get document or a collection:
res = get_request("/firebase_test/firebase_get") # document get
res = get_request("/firebase_test/firebase_get/firebase_get_collection") # collection fetch
To Update/Insert a document
To get list of documents
Initializing the realdb for the base url, reduces the effort later
Base Url set:""
Data from your Realtime Database can be read by issuing an HTTP GET request to an endpoint. The following example demonstrates how you might retrieve a user's name that you had previously stored in Realtime Database.
julia> realdb_get("/firebase_test")
ulia> realdb_get("/firebase_test")
GET successful
Dict{String, Any} with 3 entries
To accomplish the equivalent of the JavaScript push() method (see Lists of Data), you can issue a POST request. A successful request is indicated by a 200 OK HTTP status code. The response contains the child name of the new data specified in the POST request.
julia> realdb_post("/firebase_test/firebase_new/","""{"hello":1}""")
POST successful
Dict{String, Any} with 1 entry:
"name" => "-McElRx3ZBP-l7pCF0LN"
You can delete data with a DELETE request A successful DELETE request is indicated by a 200 OK HTTP status code with a response containing JSON null.
julia> realdb_delete("/firebase_test/firebase_new")
DELETE successful
You can write data with a PUT request. A successful request is indicated by a 200 OK HTTP status code. The response contains the data specified in the PUT request.
julia> realdb_put("/firebase_test/firebase_new/","""{"hello":1}""")
PUT successful
Dict{String, Any} with 1 entry:
"name" => "-McElRx3ZBP-l7pCF0LN"
- Volka-bot - Bot provides various features like roles setup, rule embed setup, most importantly the ability to track the changes(commits) in github projects, new video releases on youtube and new blog posts after they have been subscribed in the server. To track the changes in the bot, bot check hourly for updates. Multiple git repos, youtube channels and blog subscriptions can be tracked.
For further examples, guides and reference please refer to the documentation linked above.
Pull requests are welcome! In most cases, it will be helpful to discuss the change you would like to make on Discord before diving in too deep.
Thanks to below mentioned projects as I used them as reference:
- Josh Day's project:
- xximranxx's prokect: