LeetCode/Codechef problems solved with optimized time and space complexity
It includes:
- Set Matrix Zeroes
- Pascal’s Triangle
- Next Permutation
- Kadane’s Algorithm
- Sort an array of 0’s 1’s 2’s
- Rotate Matrix
- Merge Overlapping Subintervals
- Merge two sorted Arrays without extra space
- Find the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers.
- Repeat and Missing Number
- Inversion of Array (Pre-req: Merge Sort)
- Search in a 2d Matrix
- Pow(X,n)
- Majority Element (>N/2 times)
- Majority Element (>N/3 times)
- Grid Unique Paths Link 1
- Reverse Pairs (Leetcode)
- 2-Sum-Problem
- 4-sum-Problem
- Longest Consecutive Sequence
- Largest Subarray with 0 sum
- Count number of subarrays with given Xor
- Longest Substring without repeat
- Three Sum
- Remove All Duplicated from Sorted
- Max Conscutive Ones
- Trapping Rainwater
Linked List
- Reverse a LinkedList
- Find the middle of LinkedList
- Merge two sorted Linked List (use method used in mergeSort)
- Remove N-th node from back of LinkedList
- Add two numbers as LinkedList
- Delete a given Node when a node is given.
- Find intersection point of Y LinkedList
- Detect a cycle in Linked List
- Reverse a LinkedList in groups of size k.
- Check if a LinkedList is palindrome or not.
- Find the starting point of the Loop of LinkedList
- Flattening of a LinkedList
- Rotate A linked list
- Copy list with random pointer
Greedy Algorithms
- N meetings in one room
- Minimum Platforms
- Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling
- Fractional Knapsack
- Find Minimum Number of Coins
- Sum Of Subset
- Binary Search using Recursion
- Combination Sum
- Combination Sum II
- Palindrome Partitioning
- Permutation Sequence
- Subsets Two
- M Coloring
- N Queens
- Permute
- Rat In A Maze
- Sudoku Solver
Binary Search
- Aggressive Cows
- Allocated Books
- Binary Search
- Find Nth Root of a Number
- Kth Element of Two Sorted Arrays
- Matrix Median
- Median Of two Arrays
- Search in Rotated Array
- Single Element in Sorted Array
- Heaps
- Kth Largest In Array
- Kth Smallest In Sorted Matrix
- Minimum Cost N Ropes
- Top K Frequent
- Find Median From Data Stream
Stacks and Queues
- Custom Stack in Java
- Dynamic Stack
- Largest Rectangle in a Histogram
- LFU Cache
- LRU Cache
- Max Sliding Window
- Minimum to Make valid
- Next Greater Element
- Queues
- Queue using Stacks
- StackException
- Two Stacks
- Parenthesis Checker
Binary Tree
Dynamic Programming