Add Object Property Settings to the Quick Actions toolbar for fewer clicks
(Under Development)
- (Currently) all as menu items with 1 level of hierarchy
- As two-stage quick actions under 1 level of hierarchy
- as two-stage quick actions under no hierarchy - type cmd/ QA Enter then fuzzy find the command
- this will help with namespacing against all other plugins
- Also, this will allow adding a ui for customization?
Auto Layout
- Spacing between items - number
- Padding - [Top, Right, Bottom, Left]
- Alignment - [Top, Right, Bottom, Left, Center]
- Direction: Vertical ↔ Horizontal
- Spacing Mode: Packed ↔ Space between
- Strokes: Included ↔ Excluded
- Canvas Stacking: First ↔ Last
- Text Baseline Alignment: On ↔ Off --- ...done
- position x,y - [number, number]
- size height,width - [number, number]
- rotation - number
- Corner Radius - [number, ...]
- Clip Content - boolean
- Horizontal/Vertical Resizing - [Fixed, Hug, Fill]
- Constrain Proportions - boolean
- Absolute Position - boolean
- ?? Spacing Between Items - number - the API does not provide this
- Vertical/Horizontal - [Left, Right, Stretch, Center, Scale]
- Fix position when scrolling - boolean
Overflow Scrolling - [Horizontal, Vertical, Both, None]
- Blend mode - [BlendMode... ]
Set Style
- Fill
- Stroke
- Text
- Effect
- Grid
- Any
- Stroke align: [Center, Inside, Outside]
- Stroke weight - [number, ...]
- Strokes per side - [Top, Right, Bottom, Left, All]
- Stroke style - [Solid, Dash]
- Dashes - [number, ...]
- Dash cap - [None, Square, Round]
- Join - [Mitre, Bevel, Round]
- Endpoints - [StrokeCap, ConnectorStrokeCap]
- Startpoint - [StrokeCap, ConnectorStrokeCap]
- Endpoint - [StrokeCap, ConnectorStrokeCap]
- Swap start and endpoint - toggle
- Resizing - [Auto, Auto height, Fixed size, Truncate text]
- (most common text operations have a command or key already)
- (uncommon text operations are not worth adding)
- Scale Mode - [Fill, Fit, Crop, Tile] [scaleMode... ]
- Count - number ()
- Ratio - angle
- Arc...
- rotate doesn't work when a node has been flipped one way