___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ## ABOUT
This is a guide for completing the levels at http://aravart.github.io/speech-games.
Google Blockly is a system for learning how to program through the visualization of 'blocks' that represent common coding constructs. Speech Games is a series of levels that teach programming using Google Blockly with a twist: everything can be controlled by speech input.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ## QUICK BASICS
The task of the user is to complete the levels through adding blocks onto the workspace and arranging them in a manner that completes the task. Below is the basic syntax.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ## IN DEPTH GUIDE
The grammar understands a little bit more than what’s above. Here are some more ways to specify each command. The portion inside (and not including) the quotation marks can be input. Additional comments are in parentheses after the quotation marks.
These are examples of the objects passed from the parser down to the interpreter for the most
complex (most specifications) command of each command type.