Due date: 8th Oct. 2021 Presentation date: 13:30, 9th Oct. 2021
- Programs in Assembly Language.
- Behavioral simulator.
- Assembler.
An SMC Computer is a 32-bit computer, using word-addressing, has 8 registers and 65,536 words of memory. There are 4 types of instruction format including R-type, I-type, J-type, and O-type. the zeroth register must always be zero valued.
instruction formats
(R-type format): 0000000 [opcode-3u] [rs-3u] [rt-3u] 0000000000000 [rd-3u]
(I-type format): 0000000 [opcode-3u] [rs-3u] [rt-3u] [offset-16s]
(J-type format): 0000000 [opcode-3u] [rs-3u] [rd-3u] 000000000000000000
(O-type format): 0000000 [opcode-3u] 0000000000000000000000000000
add (R-type format) 000 -> [rd] [rs1] [rs2]
nand (R-type format) 001 -> [rd] [rs1] [rs2]
lw (I-type format) 010 -> [rs] [rt] [offset]
sw (I-type format) 011 -> [rs] [rt] [offset]
beq (I-type format) 100 -> [rs1] [rs2] [jmp]
jalr (J-type format) 101 -> [rs] [jmp]
halt (O-type format) 110 -> *none
noop (O-type format) 111 -> *none
sample-1 assembly format
(address 0): lw 0 1 five load reg1 with 5 (uses symbolic address)
(address 1): lw 1 2 3 load reg2 with -1 (uses numeric address)
(address 2): start add 1 2 1 decrement reg1
(address 3): beq 0 1 2 goto end of program when reg1==0
(address 4): beq 0 0 start go back to the beginning of the loop
(address 5): noop
(address 6): done halt end of program
(address 7): five .fill 5
(address 8): neg1 .fill -1
(address 9): stAddr .fill start will contain the address of start
$0 value 0.
$1 n input to the function.
$2 r input to the function.
$3 return value of the function.
$4 local variable for the function.
$5 stack pointer.
$6 temporary value (can hold different values at different times, e.g. +1, -1, function address).
$7 return address.
stricter rules:
- (assembler): outputting the machine-code file.
- (assembler): call exit(0) if there is any error in the source code, otherwise call exit(1) for successful execution.
- (simulator): initialize all registers with 0.
Builds the app.
Builds and runs the app.