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martinmattli edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 18 revisions

Updraft App Distribution Roadmap 2024 and ff


In this repository, you will find the Roadmap 2024 for the Updraft development. You can find information about the features we plan to implement agile within iterations.

Legend of progress:

⬜ ❓ work not started yet (in planning/ in discussion)

⬜ 🚀 in progress

✅ work completed


Our Roadmap roadmap includes the following topics

  • Further development of Updraft
  • Supporting of existing repositories
  • Improving documentation and tutorials


We constantly improve Updraft and develop new features.



⬜ ❓ Jira

✅ Fastlane Actions

✅ Jenkins Plugin

✅ Gitlab CI for iOS

✅ Gitlab CI for Android

✅ Teamcity CI

✅ Gradle Plugin

✅ Fastlane Plugin

✅ Webhook Integration

✅ Microsoft Teams

Get your UDID

App Distribution

⬜ 🚀 Import Groups by .csv

⬜ ❓ Store Status

✅ App Store Submit

✅ Play Store Submit

✅ Beta Releases (one installation link for two Apps from two OS-Systems)

✅ Delete Releases

✅ Disable Releases

✅ Releases: Enable installation tutorial (how to install enterprise apps)

✅ Releases: Enable one-time-installation-link

✅ Release History

✅ Releases: Edit Release Notes

✅ Testers & Groups on project level

✅ add new single Testers

✅ add new single Testers to a group

✅ import Testers with the help of a .csv file

✅ Customized download page (Paid Plan)

⬜ ❓ Customized download URL

⬜ ❓ invite testers via e-mail

⬜ ❓ collect testers UDID

⬜ ❓ export testers UDID

🚀 Permission Groups (Map your SSO groups)

✅ User list for Organization Owner

✅ User & Permissions on project level

✅ Add new members to a project

✅ Notify new project members about new app versions

✅ Project permission management for owner of an organization

✅ Transfer ownership of an organization

🚀 App testers dashboard

🚀 advanced permission on app level

✅ 2-Step Authentication

✅ 2-Step Authentication enforce for all users

✅ 2-Step Authentication enforce single users

Information/ Notifications

✅ Receiving notifications about new feedbacks & bugs

✅ Configure notifications about new builds on app level for testers & groups

✅ Configure notifications about new builds on app level for project members

✅ Receiving notifications when added to a new app project

⬜ ❓ receiving notification when added to a new app

⬜ ❓ App Visibility - enable/ disable if app is available on the mobile-web-app


✅ Customized app installation download page (Enterprise Plan only)

✅ Customized E-Mail template for app installation e-mail (Enterprise Plan only)

✅ Get your own subdomain

✅ Custom SMTP (Enterprise Plan only)

✅ Custom storage provider (S3)

App Settings / App Overview

✅ AAB file support

✅ AAB CURL / API upload

✅ AAB default KEY

✅ AAB resigning

✅ .ipa resigning with new distribution certificates and provisioning profiles

✅ Private or Public Apps

SSO / Authentication

✅ SSO Google Workspace (Enterprise Plan only)


✅ Azure AD / Microsoft Entra

🚀 Custom SAML

🚀 OpenID

✅ Apple login

✅ Facebook Login

✅ Google Login


✅ Enterprise Apps

✅ Request all your Owner account data (GDPR)

🚀 Custom app icons

✅ List of Organizations

✅ inform users about expired enterprise certificate when installing an app

✅ inform users about expected OS-version when installing an app