This repository is part of the articles:
- Steal that API key with a Man in the Middle Attack.
- Securing HTTPS with Certificate Pinning on Android.
- Bypassing Certificate Pinning.
- How to Protect Against Certificate Pinning Bypassing.
For your convenience we host ourselves the backend for this demo. Please read the articles to find the specific url for each article backend and to better understand the purpose and the scope where you will be using the Currency Converter Demo.
If you prefer to have control of the backend please follow the deployment guide to deploy the backend to an online server. It's necessary to deploy to an online server only for the article where we show you how to protect against certificate pinning bypass, other articles are fine with using localhost for demo purposes, and you can use the ./stack
bash script to help you with running it locally.
In order to make easy to follow the demo, a bash script is included:
A stack that uses Docker containers for running the Currency Converter Demo.
./stack [options] [command] [arguments]
-d, --detached Run the docker container detached from the terminal:
$ ./stack -d <command> <arguments>
$ ./stack --detached <command> <arguments>
-h, --help Shows the help for the Elixir CLI and Stack:
$ ./stack -h
$ ./stack --help
-it Runs the docker container attached to the terminal:
$ ./stack -it <command> <arguments>
down Stops and removes all running containers:
$ ./stack down
$ ./stack down proxy
install Pulls the official Docker image for mitmproxy:
$ ./stack install
mitmweb [options] Runs a mitmweb command:
$ ./stack mitmweb --listen-host <wifi.ip.address> --web-iface <wifi.ip.address>
up <arguments> Starts the docker containers for running the stack:
$ ./stack up proxy <wifi.ip.address>
Mainly the bash script is a wrapper around Docker commands.
Please see the README for the instructions.