project belongs to the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Mobile Networks at National Dong Hwa University. The purpose of this project is to introducing the architecture, technology, and applications of unmanned vehicles and mobile communication technologies, students will be able to acquire basic concepts and use them in conjunction with various
This experiment allows students to implement automatic flight control of unmanned vehicles and practice mobile communication technology.
- Python 3.9
- Ubuntu 24.04
- Upgrade package
sudo apt-get update
- Install a list of libraries needed to work
pip install -r requirements.txt
├── Final_Project
│ ├── camera_avaliable.py
├── HW1
│ └── main.py
├── HW2
│ ├── Keyboard_Control1.py
│ └── KeyPressModule.py
├── HW3
│ ├── Hand.py
│ ├── Mesh.py
│ └── position.py
├── README.md
└── requriement.txt
- Execute the
code in terminal
python3 filename.py
Egor Lee