#ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server and Mapping ApiFest consists of two main parts - the ApiFest OAuth 2.0 an OAuth 2.0 server and the ApiFest Mapping Server.
##ApiFest Mapping Server The ApiFest Mapping Server is for people who have APIs and want to expose them to the world in a safe and convenient way. The ApiFest Mapping Server is used to translate between the outside world and your internal systems. It helps you keep a consistent API facade.
- mappings are described in xml;
- can validate and authorize requests using the ApiFest OAuth20 Server;
- out-of-the-box flexible mapping options - several versions support, different hosts to which API requests could be directed to;
- easy to extend and customize;
- customizable error messages and responses;
- "online" change of all configurations;
- unlimited horizontal scalability;
##ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server The ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server implements OAuth 2.0 server side as per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749. It enables the usage of access tokens in ApiFest Mapping Server.
- register new client app;
- generate access token using auth code;
- generate access token using username and password - grant_type=password;
- generate access token using client credentials - grant_type=client_credentials;
- generate access token using refresh token - grant_type=refresh_token;
- revoke access token;
- validate access token;
- pluggable storage (currently supports MongoDB and Redis);
- unlimited horizontal scalability;
##ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server Quick start: 1. apifest-oauth.properties file
Here is a template of the apifest-oauth.properties file:
The path to the apifest.properties file should be set as a system variable:
- Setup the ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server host and port
The ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server can run on different hosts and ports. You can define the host and the port in the apifest-oauth.properties file -
oauth20.host and oauth20.port
- Setup the type of the DB (MongoDB or Redis)
You can define the type of the DB to be used (by default MongoDB is used) - valid values are "mongodb" and "redis" (without quotes) -
- Setup DB host (MongoDB)
If MongoDB is used, define the mongo URI string in the following property in the apifest-oauth.properties file:
db_uri = mongodb://host1:port1,host2:port2,...,hostN:portN/database?replicaSet=my_replica
Unless overridden, the following default values are set for the connection: connectTimeoutMS=2
- Setup Redis
If Redis is used, define Redis sentinels list(as comma-separated list) in the following property in the apifest-oauth.properties file:
You can define the name of Redis master in the following property in the apifest-oauth.properties file:
If you use Hazelcast as a storage, you can set a password using the following property (otherwise the default Hazelcast password - dev-pass will be used):
In order to run ApiFest OAuth20 distributed storage, you need to setup all ApiFest OAuth20 nodes (as comma-separated list of IPs).
- Setup user authentication
As the ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server should be able to authenticate the user, you can implement your own user authentication as implementing com.apifest.oauth20.IUserAuthentication interface In addition, ApiFest supports a custom grant_type and can implement your own handler for it. The location of the jar that contains the implementation of these custom classes is set by the following property:
The custom user authentication class will be loaded by the jar defined in user.authenticate.jar. The implementation class is defined by:
- Setup custom grant_type
If for some reason, you need to support additional custom grant_type, you can set it using the following property:
The custom grant_type class implementation should be contained in the custom.classes.jar and it should be set by:
2. Start ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server
You can start the ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server with the following command:
java -Dproperties.file=[apifest_properties_file_path] -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///[log4j_xml_file_path] -jar apifest-oauth20-0.1.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
When the server starts, you will see:
ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Server started at [host]:[port]
##ApiFest OAuth 2.0 Endpoints:
- /oauth20/applications - registers client applications (POST method), returns all client applications info (GET method)
- /oauth20/applications/[client_id] - returns client application info (GET method), updates a client application (PUT method)
- /oauth20/auth-codes - issues auth codes
- /oauth20/tokens - issues access tokens
- /oauth20/tokens/validate - validates access tokens
- /oauth20/tokens/revoke - revokes access tokens
- /oauth20/scopes - creates a new scope (POST method)
- /oauth20/scopes/[scope_name] - returns info about a scope - name, description and expires_in (GET method), updates a scope (PUT method), deletes a scope (DELETE method)
- /oauth20/scopes?client_id=[client_id] - returns scopes by client_id
- /oauth20/tokens?client_id=[client_id]&user_id=[user_id] - returns all active tokens for a given user and client application