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|| ++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + ||
|| ++++++++++ +++++++ + + + + + + +++++++ + + ||
|| +++++ +++++ <--------------------------------------------------------------> ||
|| ++++ ++++ Cyclone TRACKing framework ||
|| +++++ +++++ ||
|| ++++++++++ ||
|| +++++++++ ||
|| +++++++ EPhysLab (Environmental Physics Laboratory) ||
|| +++++ Universidade de Vigo ||
|| +++++++ contact: [email protected] ||
|| +++++++ ||
CyTRACK is an open-source, comprehensive and user-friendly Python toolbox for detecting and tracking cyclones
If you use CyTRACK, please cite it as follows:
Pérez-Alarcón, A.; Coll-Hidalgo, P.; Trigo, R.M.; Nieto, R.; Gimeno, L. (2024). CyTRACK: An open-source and user-friendly python toolbox for detecting and tracking cyclones. Environmental Modelling & Software, 176, 106027. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106027.
updates CyTRACK for using the new release of the CDS API to download data from the ERA5 reanalysis.
- netCDF4
- numpy
- scipy
- mpi4py
- time
- datetime
- functools
- math
- sys
- os
- matplotlib
- imp
- xarray
- sklearn
- argparse
1 - Using conda
conda install -c tramo-ephyslab cytrack
1 - Clone CyTRACK repository
git clone https://github.com/apalarcon/CyTRACK.git
2 - Verify you have installed all packages requiered for CyTRACK. If you use an Anaconda environment, please be sure you have activated the environment
3 - Copy the cytrack directory to your Anaconda instalation
cp -r cytrack path_to_anaconda_installation/lib/python3.x/site-packages/
To knnow the exactly path of your Anaconda installation (patho_to_anaconda_installation/.../site-packages/
), you can follow these instructions:
>> from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
>> print(get_python_lib())
1 - Clone CyTRACK repository.
git clone https://github.com/apalarcon/CyTRACK.git
2 - Verify you have installed all packages requiered for CyTRACK. If you use an Anaconda environment, please be sure you have activated the environment.
3 - run install_CyTRACK.sh.
If you have a problem with the mpi4py library, try these steps:
- Remove the
libraryconda remove mpi4py
- Install the
libraryconda install conda-forge::openmpi
- Install again the
libraryconda install mpi4py
If the problem continue (the problem is frequently related with the libmpi.so.12
or similar), you can also try
- Search the mising library on your system and link it to your Anaconda lib path.
ln -s path_to_missing_library/libmpi.so.12 patho_to_anaconda_installation/lib/
- Contact your system administrator
- For details and help on CyTRACK input file, type
python run_CyTRACK.py -cth t
or configure your code as follows:
import cytrack
You can get CyTRACK input file template by running:
python run_CyTRACK.py -gt t
import cytrack
CyTRACK can read and directly process input data from ERA5 and WRF-ARW model by typying source="ERA5" or source= "WRF" in the input file. Note that ERA5 input data must be downloaded with longitudes in 0-360 format. For other case of ERA5 data or other sources, please set source="CUSTOM".
CyTRACK is configured for tracking tropical cyclones (TC), extratropical cyclones (EC), Mediterranean Cyclones (MC), subtropical cyclones (SC) and tropical-like-cyclones (TLC)
* Revise CyTRACK help for more details
It is a comma-delimited text format following a similar to the HURDAT2 dataset ( Landsea and Franklin (2013) ) suported by the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC)
CyAL0132017, 63,
Date, hour, latc, lonc, Pc, Vmax, Size, Proci, ROCI, Core, VTL VTU B
20170916, 06, 11.25, -48.50, 1010.11, 52.68, 393.692, 1010.81, 339.477, SLCC, 30, -52, 3.0,
20170916, 12, 11.50, -50.50, 1009.89, 49.47, 317.813, 1013.35, 434.489, SLCC, 47, -13, 3.0,
20170916, 18, 11.50, -51.75, 1006.07, 56.79, 382.220, 1008.11, 192.095, UDCC, 51, 0, 1.0,
20170917, 00, 12.25, -53.25, 1007.04, 55.48, 351.333, 1010.95, 282.036, SDWC, 54, 14, 0.0,
20170917, 06, 12.75, -54.75, 1004.82, 61.51, 329.537, 1010.82, 515.375, SDWC, 50, 4, 0.0,
20170917, 12, 13.00, -56.25, 1004.13, 60.83, 410.666, 1012.79, 513.898, SDWC, 42, 59, 0.0,
20170917, 18, 13.25, -57.00, 1002.24, 43.33, 386.218, 1010.15, 470.297, SDWC, 47, 54, -5.0,
20170918, 00, 14.25, -58.00, 1001.37, 48.35, 409.628, 1011.21, 458.576, SDWC, 39, 67, -2.0,
To run CyTRACK, we recomend the using of run_CyTRACK.py script
- On Linux PC
1 - By using run_CyTRACK.py
python run_CyTRACK.py -pf input_file
- Using MPI
mpirun -n N_proc python run_CyTRACK.py -pf input_file
- On a HPC with Linux:
1 - Create a bash script (run_CyTRACK.sh). This example is valid for FINESTARRAE III cluster on Galician Supercomputing Center.
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --mem=64GB
#SBATCH -n 40
#SBATCH -t 7-00:00:00
module --purge
module load cesga/2020
module load miniconda3/4.9.2
conda activate envname
srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS --mpi=pmi2 python run_CyTRACK.py -pf input_file
2 - Submit run script
sbatch run_CyTRACK.sh
Please, follow the intructions at
- This code is not bug-free. Please report any bugs through 'Issues': https://github.com/apalarcon/CyTRACK/issues
Contact to Albenis Pérez Alarcón:
This software is published under the GPLv3 license. This means:
- Anyone can copy, modify and distribute this software.
- You have to include the license and copyright notice with each and every distribution.
- You can use this software privately.
- You can use this software for commercial purposes.
- If you dare build your business solely from this code, you risk open-sourcing the whole code base.
- If you modify it, you have to indicate changes made to the code.
- Any modifications of this code base MUST be distributed with the same license, GPLv3.
- This software is provided without warranty.
- The software author or license can not be held liable for any damages inflicted by the software.
- Landsea, C. W., & Franklin, J. L. (2013). Atlantic hurricane database uncertainty and presentation of a new database format. Monthly Weather Review, 141(10), 3576-3592. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-12-00254.1