This repo is used to customize a GeoNetwork4 to be used by AODN. The key customization is to build a jar file with the code we want to add and insert it use COPY function to copy it to the lib folder during the Dockerfile build.
The jar file contains a hack where we name a @Configuration class with the same package as geonetwork4 base package (org.fao.geonet), so that the initial component-scan will pick up this class. From there we add additional component-scan to our custom classes. This avoided the need to alter the xml like what we did before plus we are using a Docker base image of GeoNetwork4.
When new docker image release, you will need to migrate to a new version of geonetwork. There are few places you need to update, it would be easier to search the current version string and replace it:
- pom.xml
- Dockerfile
The two file MUST have the same version match, for example if we use 4.4.5-0 for pom.xml then you need to use 4.4.5 Docker image of geonetwork.
a. The path to store geonetwork in the Docker image may change, you may need to update "ENV GN_DIR /opt/geonetwork"
b. If you see warning about running migration script, then check the path /opt/geonetwork/WEB-INF/classes/setup/sql/migrate/ inside docker image by login the shell of the image -> docker exec -it geonetwork4 bash. It contains the migration script
You need create a file call .env and put in the following attribute if you do not want the default startup parameters
Assume you have installed docker and docker compose (v2.x), you can run ./ to run a elastic search 8 for use by the geonetwork. It takes a while to start (3 mins+), so you can check http://localhost:5601 if system started. Once started you can run
# If you run ./, then you should point to localhost
# We record changed, it will notify the indexer of update, check with dev on what is the value of API key
# By default it runs in the h2 db, you can use postgis + postgres, so below config optional
# Optional, by default use main branch to get the json config for GN4, however for development you may want to point
# to your own branch
# Start geonetwork4
docker-compose -f docker-gn-compose.yml up --build
# Stop geonetwork4
docker-compose -f docker-gn-compose.yml down -v
Once elastic started you can run ./ to start the geonetwork. It is recommend to start it like this because it will rebuild your images with the binary that you created from maven build install
If you run the geonetwork using ./, then you can setup a debug profile using
and connect to the instance inside docker.
Noted: You should run docker container prune and docker image prune periodically to free up disk space.
You can login to the geonetwork4 instance to debug you setting by
docker exec -it geonetwork4 /bin/bash
Once you in the shell, you can go to /var/lib/jetty/webapps/geonetwork
We have incorporate actuator to the instance, and you can visit to see the supported endpoints, there is one issue is that it is running with ECS then you may not hit the same instance as you want.
Geonetwork4 should have config to be a single instance only to avoid this issue. You can use the logfile endpoint to view the log file directly as cloud watch is not so easy to use.
You need to present X-XSRF-TOKEN in your header to call Setup endpoints, please read comments in
Description | Method | Endpoints | Param | Environment |
Logfile | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/manage/logfile |
Edge, Staging | |
Beans info | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/manage/beans |
Edge, Staging | |
Env info | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/manage/env |
Edge, Staging | |
Info | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/manage/info |
Edge, Staging | |
Health check | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/manage/health |
Edge, Staging | |
Read Record Misc Info | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/aodn/records/{uuid}/info |
Edge, Staging | |
Read Harvester - Config | GET | /geonetwork/srv/api/aodn/setup/harvesters |
Edge, Staging | |
Delete All Harvester - Config | DELETE | /geonetwork/srv/api/aodn/setup/harvesters |
Edge, Staging | |
Delete All Category - Config | DELETE | /geonetwork/srv/api/aodn/setup/categories |
Edge, Staging | |
Delete All Groups - Config | DELETE | /geonetwork/srv/api/aodn/setup/groups |
Edge, Staging | |
Setup from github config | POST | /geonetwork/srv/api/aodn/setup |
source=github | Edge, Staging |
Run the setup endpoint trigger geonetwork load the configuration file from github config, this file is the blue-print to load other configuration from github that store under the geonetwork-config folder.
By default, it load from main branch, hence during your development, you may want to use the environment variable about to force it load from different branch.
Given the configuration is store in main branch, that means changes to configuration require a pull request.
The POST method can carry a body with the same format as the config.json file, if this appears, then the content in the body will be use instead of the config.json in github. Hence, you can run individual setup one by one
Info not expose in regular api endpoints but needed for indexing, for example logo url of a dataset.
The schema folder contains an open-api schema file from Genetwork4, you can get it from any instance of GN4 (http://domain_name/geonetwork/srv/api/doc)
Once you have the json, you can generate code like the one here in Java to access GN4 via API.
You can see a config file related to S3, however we do not use it because after experiment it, it didn't support well as the GN4 will issue warning on file not found with relative folder name. The code is just keep as a record.
You can use the available utilities inside the utilities
folder of this repository. More details inside.