I'm a former academic looking to transition to a full-time role in industry. Some projects that I'm currently or have recently worked on:
- A bytecode compiler for Lisp written in C++
- sarah-connor: A termination checker for LLVM IR programs
- single-file-devin: An LLM-powered software engineering agent for single-file Python programs.
I've also worked on a few different research projects in the areas of Programming Languages, Compilers, and Formal Methods during my time in college and grad school:
- I wrote a Continuation-Passing Style transformation for the CertiCoq compiler and helped proved its semantic correctness.
- I developed and implemented an algorithm for synthesizing (automatically generating) string-manipulating programs modeled as transducers from formal specifications using an SMT solver. This project was published as a paper.
- Most recently, I was working on a technique for synthesizing formal semantics of languages using language interpreters as oracles. I have also worked on projects in automated program verification and have experience applying formal methods in industry.
A few miscellaneous programming projects:
- models-from-scratch: Implementations of logistic regression, decision trees, and k-nearest neighbors in Python.
- tcp-flow-control: An implementation of the flow control algorithm used for TCP using the socket library in Python.
- recursion-schemes-synthesis: A toy project exploring program synthesis using catamorphisms.
You can find more biographical and work related details on my LinkedIn or personal website.