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Content ⚛️ 🚀

01. Inception
- Hello World just using HTML
- Hello World using JavaScript
- Bring React into Code (using CDN)
- Hello World using React
- Added Script and started writing code in App.js file
- Created an `react element`(which is an object)
- createRoot is responsible to assign a root in React 
- render method helps to put the content onto the page
- ReactElement(Object) => HTML(Browser Understandable)
- createElement API takes in 3 argument
     I. Name of the tag
     II. Attributes
     III. Children
        - If there are multiple children then pass it in an array otherwise as it is
- Whatever we are passing from root.render, it is getting replaced what is there inside root
- If there is something on the top or the bottom of the page, we can still use React in that small portion of the page

02. Igniting our App
Part 1
- What Igniting Our App means
- Can react alone make a production ready app
- How you can make your production ready app? How we can get those packages in our app
   - What is not NPM?
   - What NPM actually is?
- Why do we need package.json
- The most important Package: Bundler
- Some of Bundler
- Parcel
- Types of Dependencies
   - Dev Dependencies
   - Normal Dependencies
- Carent(^) in package.json
- Tilde(~) in package.json
- package.json
- package-lock.json
- shash2 in parcel
- Node Modules
- Transitive Dependency
- What to Push on GitHub
    - Should I Push all these node_modules to GitHub
    - Should I Push package.json and package-lock.json to GitHub
    - Why we don't push node modules to GitHub
  1. Laying the foundation
  2. Talk is Cheap, Show me the code
  3. Let's Get Hooked
  4. Exploring the World
  5. Finding the path
  6. Let's get Classy
  7. Optimising our App
  8. Jo dikhta hai, wo bikta hai
  9. Data is the new Oil
  10. Let's build our Store
  11. Time for the Test
  12. NetflixGPT
  13. Bonus


React JS ⚛️: From Zero to Hundred







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